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PLS affects a part of the neuron called the cell body (or soma). Specifically, it is the cell bodies of upper motor neurons that are affected.

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Q: What neurons are affected in primary lateral sclerosis?
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What causes primary lateral sclerosis?

Motor neuron diseases like primary lateral sclerosis develop because the nerve cells that normally control the movement of voluntary muscles degenerate and die.

Is Primary lateral sclerosis related to Lou Gehrig's Disease?

They are the same.

What disease destroys the cells of the anterior gray horn?

Several diseases attack the motor neurons that have cell bodies located in the anterior horn of the spinal column namely: amyotropic lateral sclerosis, spinal muscular atrophies, primary lateral sclerosis, and Kennedy's disease (see the linked article for more detail).

What part of the body is affected by primary lateral sclerosis?

The symptoms of the disorder become progressively worse, with muscles typically affected in the following order: legs and feet, main part of the body (the trunk), arms and hands, and face.

What are some of the better known motor neuron diseases?

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), spinal muscular atrophy , poliomyelitis , and primary lateral sclerosis are all examples of motor neuron diseases

What is primary lateral sclerosis?

a rare disease that causes progressive weakness in voluntary muscles such as in the legs, hands, and tongue. PLS is one of the diseases, along with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, that are grouped together as motor neuron diseases.

What is the average age of onset for primary lateral sclerosis?

The disease is typically detected in middle age, after age 50.

What specialists treat primary lateral sclerosis?

Treatment of PLS involves the family physician, a neurologist , and others such as physical therapists.

How deadly is primary lateral sclerosis?

PLS is not fatal, and people with the disorder can usually maintain mobility with the use of canes or other assistance.

How common is primary lateral sclerosis?

ALS is known to affect two to three people per 100,000. Tentative estimates of the occurrence of PLS are on the order of one person in 10 million

Is the efferent neuron the primary function connecting other neurons?

No, the association neurons connect other neurons.

What medications are used to treat primary lateral sclerosis?

The treatment aims to reduce the discomfort and inconvenience of the disease. There is currently no cure for PLS. Medications such as baclofen, diazepam , and gabapentin have shown effectiveness in reducing muscle spasms in many patients with PLS.