

What nutrients does pasta contain?

Updated: 10/6/2023
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12y ago

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Pasta contains lots of carbohydrates, protein and fibre with just a little bit of fat. The calories start to pile on when you add extras such as sauce and bits of ham and mushroom etc. Overall, it is avery healthy option, just be careful of what you put on the top

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12y ago
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12y ago
Eating reheated spaghetti bolognese could reduce your risk of cancer.Scientists have discovered that multiple rounds of heating - plus a little extra oil - enhance the health benefits of processed tomatoes.

The technique alters the structure of the tomato molecule lycopene so that it is more easily transported into the bloodstream.

Lycopene, a powerful antioxidant, has been shown to prevent cancers and may also combat Heart disease and Diabetes.

Previous studies indicated that processing raw tomatoes into purees or sauces increased the benefits.

P.s dont eat too much

hope that helps

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12y ago

protein, minerals, vitamins, fats, carbohydrates and water.

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13y ago

im not sure but spaghetti is a grain product and grains are part of the food group

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14y ago

Flour and water. Pasta can also contain oil, eggs, salt, and flavouring or colouring, e.g. tomato puree for a light red colour, spinach for green, and so on.

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9y ago

Spaghetti itself is notably lacking in most nutrients; it's pasta, made from wheat flour, water and egg. Some carbohydrates, not much protein. Not much different from bread.

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13y ago

protein carbohydrates fat vitamins

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