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Unfortunately, I don't believe any orders of nuns or congregations of sisters accept women who have significant physical, emotional, or mental challenges. This is not to say that women with health challenges are not beloved by God, special, and good people; it is only because the life the sisters lead requires significant physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental strength, and the lives of the sisters are bound together in community: any health crisis affecting one sister seriously affects the lives of the entire community. Men and women with health challenges such as bipolar are often accepted into what are called Third Orders or lay confraternities of Catholic Orders. There are lay associates of Carmelites, Franciscans, Dominicans, and many more, who participate in the spiritual benefits of the Order, live out the order's charisms (gifts), participate in the order's spirituality and mission, but maintain their own homes, jobs, families, and finances. Most lay associates are healthy and active individuals, but some face health challenges that are well-controlled with medication. You can find each of these Orders on the web, and they will link to their lay associates pages.

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Q: What order of Catholic nuns accepts women with bipolar disorder?
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Where do I go to learn more about Bipolar Disorder?

Firstly, I'm sorry that your son has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Secondly, your doctor should have given you information, and pamphlets with needed information about bipolar disorder, if not you should ask him for them.

How are bipolar tests performed?

A bipolar disorder test is an examination done by a psychiatrist in order to make the diagnosis. The test primarily consists of questions for the patient. Their answers are usually enough to detect a bipolar disorder.

Would bipolar disorder be classified as something that is out of people's self-control or would they have control over the order?

It can be out of someones self control if they do not go to a doctor and get medicine. Some cases of bipolar disorder are mild enough to be self-controlled but most of the time he or she needs to see a doctor and get medicine.

What are effective treatments for bipolar disorder?

Effective treatments for Bipolar Disorder include a combination of cognitive behavioral therapy coupled with medication. A psychiatrist or psychiatric nurse practitioner are professionals that can prescribe medications to treat Bipolar Disorder. It is important to be followed by one of these professionals. Since every individual is different, it may take time to for your doctor to find the medication combination that works best for you. Medications that have been used to treat Bipolar Disorder include atypical anti-psychotics that have mood stabilizing properties. Medications in this category include: Seroquel Risperdal Zyprexa Symbyax (zyprexa + prozac) Abilify Geodon Anti-convulsant medications in conjunction with an anti-psychotic are also used to treat Bipolar Disorder. Medications in this category include: Lamictal Depakote Tegretol Many individuals who have Bipolar Disorder may also need an anti-depressant at different times in their cycle. (again, every individual is different and every individual who has bipolar disorder is different.) Common Anti-depressants include: SSRI's (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors): Paxil Celexa Zoloft Lexapro * Prozac is often not recommended for individuals with bipolar as it has been known to induce mania. SSNRI's (selective Serotonin Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors): Cymbalta Effexor Serzone Older Drugs Used to Treat Bipolar Disorder include: Lithium - Mood Stabilizer A combination of medications that my clients have been prescribed in the past includes: an anti-psychotic, anti-convulsive, and an antidepressant. For example, Seroquel, Lamictal, and Cymbalta. Finally, If you have a diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder, I can't stress enough the importance of staying on your medication and maintaining regular appointments with your psychiatrist. Bipolar Disorder is a medical condition that is managed with medication. In order to maintain a consistent and stable life you must take your medicine, as prescribed by your psychiatrist, every day.

About Bipolar Illness?

Bipolar disorder or bipolar illness is a mood disorder. Individuals who suffer from this disorder have mood changes from severe excitement or mania to extremely low periods of depression. The mood swings can last for short time periods or for several months at a time. This disorder is sometimes difficult for professionals to diagnose because of the symptoms. Doctors sometimes misdiagnose people with major depressive disorder during a bipolar depressive episode. On the other hand, they sometimes diagnose people with anxiety during a manic episode. In order for an individual to receive a proper diagnosis for bipolar disorder, he or she must fit certain criteria.Types of Bipolar DisorderThere are three types of bipolar disorder: type I, type II, and cyclothymia. Individuals with type I bipolar disorder must experience at least one manic episode followed by a period of depression. People with type II bipolar disorder must experience episodes of hypomania followed by depression. Hypomania is not as severe as mania. The individual may only exhibit impulsive behaviors and high levels of energy. Cyclothymia is a lower level bipolar disorder. The individual will most likely experience only mild depression and hypomania.Mania vs. Depression SymptomsA manic episode is a very agitated state of existence. During the manic phase of bipolar, the individual will have an extremely elevated mood. He or she may engage in risky behaviors such as gambling or having sex with many partners. He or she may also talk frequently, have trouble sleeping, and experience racy thoughts. The individual may also be easily angered and have negative emotional outbursts.Depression is quite the opposite of mania. A bipolar individuals in a depressed state will usually feel worthless and helpless. He or she may have trouble making it to work due to the sadness and lack of energy. The individual may not enjoy normal daily activities. He or she may even choose to sleep all day or ignore hygiene.In order for a doctor to diagnose a person with bipolar disorder, that person must experience both manic and depressive episodes. The doctor is more likely to give a proper diagnosis if the patient visits several times. He or she must also disclose all symptoms to the physician.

What medicines are prescribed to 8 year old bipolar children and what works best other than serequel?

When treating a child who has Bipolar Disorder it is important to find a Psychiatrist or Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner that specializes in treating children. Your pediatrician will not have enough background to effectively treat this condition as it has been very recent that children have been diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder. A really good book that discusses childhood bipolar disorder: The Bipolar Child: The Definitive and Reassuring Guide to Childhood's Most Misunderstood Disorder. Author: Demetri Papolos, MD Effective treatments for Bipolar Disorder include a combination of cognitive behavioral therapy coupled with medication. A psychiatrist or psychiatric nurse practitioner are professionals that can prescribe medications to treat Bipolar Disorder. It is important to be followed by one of these professionals. Since every individual is different, it may take time to for your doctor to find the medication combination that works best for you. Medications that have been used to treat Bipolar Disorder include atypical anti-psychotics that have mood stabilizing properties. Medications in this category include: Seroquel Risperdal Zyprexa Symbyax (zyprexa + prozac) Abilify Geodon Anti-convulsant medications in conjunction with an anti-psychotic are also used to treat Bipolar Disorder. Medications in this category include: Lamictal Depakote Tegretol Many individuals who have Bipolar Disorder may also need an anti-depressant at different times in their cycle. (again, every individual is different and every individual who has bipolar disorder is different.) Common Anti-depressants include: SSRI's (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors): Paxil Celexa Zoloft Lexapro * Prozac is often not recommended for individuals with bipolar as it has been known to induce mania. SSNRI's (selective Serotonin Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors): Cymbalta Effexor Serzone Older Drugs Used to Treat Bipolar Disorder include: Lithium - Mood Stabilizer A combination of medications that my clients have been prescribed in the past includes: an anti-psychotic, anti-convulsive, and an antidepressant. For example, Seroquel, Lamictal, and Cymbalta. Finally, If you have a diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder, I can't stress enough the importance of staying on your medication and maintaining regular appointments with your psychiatrist. Bipolar Disorder is a medical condition that is managed with medication. In order to maintain a consistent and stable life you must take your medicine, as prescribed by your psychiatrist, every day.

Is there a catholic order that accepts 60 year old men in their order?

Yes. There are many of them that prefer older men because of their wisdom and calmness. One group is the Society of Pope Leo XIII. Most of their priests are Roman Catholic Vatican II ordained who have joined the society.

What are bi-polar symptoms?

Bipolar disorder is characterized by mood swings from a manic phase (good spirits, extremely active, great ideas and plans) to a depressed phase that may even extend to suicidal tendencies.In order to be classed as bipolar, these episodes must cycle over periods of months. There is debate about whether there is a shorter-cycle disorder that also falls under bipolar, involving swings of weeks instead of months. In any case, swings shorter than several weeks duration are not bipolar, and are not treated in the same manner. They are often -- although not always -- related to the effects of drugs (prescription or illegal), or alcohol. Bipolar disorder cannot be accurately diagnosed if the presenting party is under the influence of mood-altering chemicals.

Patient is on Prozac lamictal topomax could zoloft be givin with theses medications to help with bipolar depression?

No. Zoloft is in the same class of anti-depressants as Prozac and would not be helpful. Depressive episodes of bipolar disorder are treated differently than major depression. Prozac and Topamax may/may not be helping the situation. Lamictal is considered first line for depressive symptoms of bipolar I disorder. If Lamictal (lamotrigine) is not helpful for controlling depressive symptoms, usually an atypical antipsychotic is added, such as quetiapine (Seroquel). The term "bipolar depression" is fairly general and is important to a response about treatment. Treatment for depressive episodes of bipolar depression differ from treatment of manic episodes. I would recommend that you look at the Texas Implementation of Medication Algorithms for Bipolar I Disorder in order to tailor therapy for your patient's symptoms. You can access the TIMA Guidelines via medscape: or google it to find the original page.

Can a person diagnosed with bipolar also have some of the characteristics of a sociopath?

Although there may be the occasional common symptom between Bipolar disorder and sociopathy, it is not a very high comorbity if at all. In order to be bipolar you must have manic episodes with either major depressive disorder (bipolar type I; MDD) or dysthemia (bipolar type II; a more prolonged less severe form of MDD). Both MDD and dysthemia involve a severe level of emotions including anger, sadness, fear, loneliness, etc. For this reason, one of the most important aspects of sociopathy (lack or emotion) gets in the way of a comorbid diagnosis. Still, there's always someone out there to prove that it does exist. I'm just saying it's unlikely in my opinion.

How is bipolar 1 diagnosed?

There is a certain type of physician that treats psychological disorders such as: Bipolar disorder. For Instance a psychiatrist is intended to tend to such patients. Therefore, they are educated medically about this disorder in order to treat it.

What is a bipolar test?

A bipolar test is a series of yes / no questions asking you about how you feel in order to determine if you have bipolar depression. The questions can seem to be obvious and easy to fake.