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The male and female will both eat the babies if they get the chance, but the female is the worst for it. Many people use breeder nets - put the mother when she's very pregnant in a separate aquarium inside a net that she can't fit through but that newborn fry can. When she gives birth, they swim out of the net and she can't eat them.

FYI guppies don't get pregnant, they don't have a placenta. They actually incubate the eggs internally. Look up the term Oviparous.

My solution, 40 years of experience, Grow a thick mat of Elodea. Elodea provides hiding places for the young fry as well as food. I keep several aquariums with out filters or air stones. Grow the plants using fluorescent lamps such as the four foot shop lights. The closer you imitate nature, the healthier your aquarium will be

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12y ago

Adult guppies do eat the fry (baby guppies) but do not tend to get all of them. A lot of deaths can be blamed on some types of filters, and a disease some get in their stomachs. Provided there is lots of plants, or one huge one, a few fry out of each birth will survive without being contained safely.

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No, All adult fish will eat baby guppies.

Will guppys eat guppys?

Well, Adult Guppy's Can't Eat Other Adult Guppy's. If The Guppy's Breed Then They Won't Eat Any Of The Guppy Baby's. They Will All Work Together To Take Care Of The Baby's. But If They Breed And You Add Another Guppy/Fish Then It May Eat The Baby's.

How do you know if a guppy likes another guppy?

Guppies don't really "like" other guppies. They are pretty stupid animals offense to you guppy lovers. All they do is breed.

Does a neon blue guppy have a backbone?

All Guppies have a backbone.

How many baby guppies do they get in a day?

My very small Fantail Guppy had 14 fry and all have survived so far. Approximately 3 weeks.

Is a guppy endothermic?

No. Guppies are ectothermic, which is commonly referred to as 'cold-blooded'. Guppies are fish, and all fish are ectothermic, as are reptiles and amphibians.

What are the equipment for guppies to breed?

Breeding is easy but yet hard. All you need to do is get a boy and a girl guppy of course. If our going to have several guppies,then you don't get the same amount of boys and girls. You will also need a breeding net (choice) and a separate tank or lots of plants in the adult tank. The plants will allow the guppies to hide from the parents that will try to eat them.

What colour is a girl guppy?

This all depends upon the species. Female guppies, however, tend to be less decorative.

Can a baby guppy fish stay in tank with its mother?

Not if you want it alive....mother well as all other adult fish that would be in her tank, would eat the young fry. He will need his own seperate tank equipped with a sponge filter, heater, airstone and live plants until he is about 11 weeks old.

Can a brother and a sister guppy mate?

Yes and it happens all the time. That is why it is very hard to get well bred guppies nowadays.

Which grows faster molly platy swordtail or guppy?

Guppies first, then mollies, platies and swordtails all grow at about the same rate.

Must guppies be in an all-guppy tank for it to mate or can it mate in a community tank?

They can be in a community of other tropical fish of the same size.