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James K. Polk belonged to the political party of Democrats. He was the 11th elected President of the United States.

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Q: What presidential party did James K. Polk belong to?
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Which political party did James k. Polk belong to?

Democratic party

Who lost the election to James Polk?

In the 1844 presidential election, Henry Clay lost to James K. Polk.

Who did the Democratic Party nominate in the presidential election of 1856?

James Polk ran as a Jackson Democrat in 1844 and defeated the Whig candidate , Henry Clay.

Who was James K. Polk's opponet after the final party nominations?

The 1844 Whig Party Presidential Nominee was Henry Clay. That was the third U.S. presidential election in which he represented a major political party.

Who was President during the Mexican American War and what political party did he belong to?

President James K. Polk, he was a member of the democratic party

Who did the Democratic Party chose as their former Tennessee governor as it's presidential candidate in the election of 1844?

James K. Polk

Did Polk lose any presidential elections?

No, James K. Polk never lost a presidential election. One of his campaign promises was not to run for re-election.

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Did Franklin Pierce have something to do with the democratic party?

Franklin Pierce was the fourth Democratic Party Presidential Nominee to be elected President after Andrew Jackson, Martin Van Buren and James K. Polk.

Who is James Knox Polk?

James Knox Polk was a U.S President from the Democratic Party. He was the Eleventh president of our country.

How did James K. Polk win the Democratic nomination for the election of 1844?

James Knox Polk won the presidential election of 1844 because he was the "candidate of expansion".

Who hosted the first presidential Thanksgiving dinner?

Sarah Polk James Polk's wife hosted the first thanksgiving at the white house