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Yes, the temperance movement was opposed to the manufacture, sale, or consumption of any alcoholic beverage, and they succeeded in getting these things outlawed in 1920 by the Prohibition amendment to the constitution (which as later repealed).

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They used lectures, pamphlets, and revival-style rallies to warn people of the dangers of liquor.

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Q: What problems in society did leading reformers in the temperance movement blame on the manufacture and sale of alcoholic beverages?
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What problems in society did reformers in temperance movement blame on the manufacture and sale of alcoholic beverages?

The reformers of the temperance movement believe that problems like the breaking up of families, insanity, and crimes were caused by the use of Alcoholic Beverages.

What problems in society did reformers in the temperance movement blame on the manufacture and sale of alcoholic beverages?

The reformers of the temperance movement believe that problems like the breaking up of families, insanity, and crimes were caused by the use of alcoholic beverages.

What problems in society did reformers in the temperance movement blame on the manufacturer and sale of alcoholic beverages?

The reformers of the temperance movement believe that problems like the breaking up of families, insanity, and crimes were caused by the use of Alcoholic Beverages.

What did reformers work against in the temperance movement?

The consumption of intoxicating (alcoholic) beverages.

How did the war help the causes of womens suggrage and temperance?

one of the main goals of the reformers was to reduce the alcoholic beverages.

True or false Temperance reformers wanted to prohibit the manufacture and sale of alcohol?

Yes Temperance reformers wanted to prohibit the manufacture and sale of alcohol beverages. This began before the Civil War insisting that no one was permitted to consume alcohol and was force by law.


The problems in society did the reformers of the temperance movement blame on alcohol were poverty, breakup of families, & crime.

What problems in society did reformers in temperance movement blame on alcohol?

The problems in society did the reformers of the temperance movement blame on alcohol were poverty, breakup of families, & crime.

What problems in society did reformers of the temperance movement blame on alcohol?

The problems in society did the reformers of the temperance movement blame on alcohol were poverty, breakup of families, & crime.

What were two aspects of American Society targeted by reformers?

The temperance movement and educational reform were two aspects of American society targeted by reformers.

What was the temperance movement and what argument did the reformers give to support their position?

The temperance movement was a reform movement that opposed excessive use of alcohol and advocated "temperance," or abstinence from alcohol. The reformers' argument was that men who drank excessively would spend most of their money on alcohol rather than on food for their families. Additionally, these men were usually very abusive.

What was the temperance movement and what arguments did the reformers give to support their position?

The temperance movement was a reform movement that opposed excessive use of alcohol and advocated "temperance," or abstinence from alcohol. The reformers' argument was that men who drank excessively would spend most of their money on alcohol rather than on food for their families. Additionally, these men were usually very abusive.