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The limb should be immobilised with splints. It should be moved as little as possible to reduce the chance of further injury.

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Q: What should you do or not do when performing first aid on a leg fracture?
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First aid case of joint fracture?

cast or split

What are the main aims in the first aid management of a fracture?

setting it

What first aid should be given patient who is having fracture?

Stabilize and immobilize the fractured bone until further medical attention is received.

What are 2 infection control measures you should employ when performing first aid?

Apply disinfectant and use sterile materials.

Which of the following is not a first aid treatment for a fracture?

Push the protruding bone back into the wound

What is the aid given to fracture?

Splint the fracture in the position found.

First aid treatment?

first aid is an immediate but temporary treatment given to a person in case of accident or sudden illness when there is no doctor around. sprain,fracture,dislocation and cramps can be given first aid treatment

Is it a legal requirement to wear gloves when performing first aid?

no it aint

When should you fill out a casualty report during first aid?

You should NEVER do it DURING first aid bu AFTER it.

Chances of performing successful first aid increase if more than one person is involved?


What are the 2 infection-control measures you should employ when performing first aid?

#1. Avoid coming in contact with someone's blood or body fluids. #2. Wear rubber gloves.

How will you apply first aid on a victim that has a fracture bone?

Immobilise the affected limb/area.Movement could cause more damage not to mention pain.