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Q: What side of the chest do you wear the pink ribbon to support breast cancer?
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What is breast cancer with chest wall involvement?

Breast cancer originates (as the name tells) in breast tissue. When it starts to spread, it extends into the muscles of the chest wall, which is called 'breast cancer with chest wall involvement'.

Do you have to wear the pink ribbon on your chest?

yes, scientifically it shows that you care about the cure for Breast Cancer!!!It shows that you care about 1/2 the women in the US who will get Breast Cancer sometime in their lifetime. Go to for more information!!

What are the medical signs of cancer?

Medical Cancer signs will depend on the type of cancer. For instance breast cancer symptoms will be pain in breast, lump in breast. Lung cancer will show the symptoms like coughing, chest pain

Can mesothelioma cause breast cancer?

Mesothelioma usually affects internal organs in the chest & abdomen, have never heard of it associated with breast-cancer!

What the causes breast cancer?

There are many factors that can increase one's rink of obtaining breast cancer. Some of these can include: having dense breast tissue, having had previous chest radiation, among others.

What are some visible signs of breast cancer?

Some early signs of breast cancer are seen in teenagers and women with larger breast. A lump underneath an underarm can be a sign of breast cancer. Also, an area of thickening around breasts is also a sign. Swelling and redness of the breast is also a common sign.

Give some examples of cancer and define?

Breast cancer: A type of cancer that forms in the cells of the breast. Symptoms may include a lump in the breast, change in breast shape or size, or nipple discharge. Lung cancer: A type of cancer that begins in the lungs. Symptoms can include coughing, chest pain, shortness of breath, and coughing up blood. Colon cancer: Cancer that starts in the colon or rectum. Symptoms may include changes in bowel habits, blood in the stool, abdominal pain, or unexplained weight loss.

What is the different between chest and breast?

Breast have milk and chest does not have

What are some signs of Breast cancer?

When looking for signs , look for , lumps on the chest area, under the arm , and on the collar bone . sometimes a rash will also appear on the chest.

Can men get beast cancer?

Yes, men can get breast cancer, although it's much less common than in women. The basic anatomy of the breast is similar in both males and females, with a small amount of breast tissue present in men. Because breast cancer is often associated with breast tissue, men can develop breast cancer, although the risk is significantly lower. Some key points about breast cancer in men include: Incidence: Breast cancer is rare in men, accounting for less than 1% of all breast cancer cases. However, it can still occur. Risk Factors: Risk factors for breast cancer in men include older age, family history of breast cancer, certain genetic mutations (such as BRCA2 mutations), hormonal imbalances (e.g., high estrogen levels), obesity, and previous radiation exposure to the chest area. Symptoms: The symptoms of breast cancer in men are similar to those in women and may include a lump or swelling in the breast tissue, changes in the nipple (such as retraction or discharge), skin dimpling or puckering, and redness or scaling of the breast skin. Diagnosis and Treatment: Diagnosis typically involves a physical exam, imaging tests (like mammograms or ultrasounds), and biopsy for confirmation. Treatment options for male breast cancer may include surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, hormone therapy, and targeted therapy, depending on the stage and characteristics of the cancer. Awareness and Support: Despite its rarity, it's important for men to be aware of the possibility of breast cancer and to seek medical attention if they notice any unusual changes in their breast tissue. Support and information are available through healthcare providers, cancer organizations, and support groups for individuals affected by breast cancer, including men. While breast cancer is more commonly associated with women, it's essential to recognize that men can also develop this condition, and early detection and treatment can improve outcomes.

What are small bumps on my chest?

You dont, its probably breast cancer. See a doctor

Lump on the left side of your chest above your breast for the past few days it has grown in size and is blue feels like it is bruised should you worry if it is breast cancer?

yes of course