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The size of albino mice that are generally used for research purposes are smaller in size. They are similar in size to a house mouse. These mice are usually referred to as laboratory mice and are known by the strain BALB/c.

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6mo ago

Albino mice used for research purposes are typically bred to be a specific weight range, usually between 20-30 grams. This is considered the optimal size for conducting experiments due to ease of handling and consistency in results.

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Literature of albino mice?

Albino mice are commonly used in scientific research due to their genetic purity and easy observation of traits. They have been studied in various fields, such as genetics, neuroscience, and toxicology. Literature on albino mice can be found in research articles, textbooks, and scientific journals related to animal models and laboratory experimentation.

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They are the same as regular mice .

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Are Mice Rare?

No, there is many of the cute little things and usually quite alot in pet stores.

Do regular mice not like albino mice?

I've got 2 female mice, one is albino, the other isn't, but despite this the are great friends and get along perfectly! They eat together, sleep together and sometimes use their wheel together! The only difference is their colour. So really, the answer is no, they get along just perfectly! :) Hope this helps!

How big of mice do albino corn snakes eat?

depends on size of snake. take to pet store they will tell you.

What do a albino ball python eat?

Mice/rats depending on the snake's size. It's the same diet as other ball pythons.

What do research mice live in?

It live in a hole