

What slogan did Lenin use to seize power in Russia?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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13y ago

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Lenin used several slogans to get his message across. One was "Peace! Bread! Land!". This was a promise that he would end Russia's part in the war, end the food shortages and redistribute land from the owners to the peasants working the lands.

Another was "All Power to the Soviets." This meant that all governmental power should be in the hands of the soviets (which were councils of workers, soldiers and peasants that existed in virtually every large city) rather than in the hands of the Tsar or the Provisional Government after the Tsar was overthrown. Lenin conveniently forgot this promise once he realized that if power really was in the soviets, it would not be in his hands.

Yet another was "Turn imperialistic war into civil war." This meant that disgruntled soldiers who were already armed and massed as an army should now turn on their commanders and other non-revolutionary authorities and overthrow them.

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Q: What slogan did Lenin use to seize power in Russia?
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October Revolution 1917, Palace Revolution.

Why Lenin important?

Among all the leaders in the 20th century, Lenin is arguably the most significant person in the world of Russian politics. Exiled by the Russian government for his reformation and radical views, Lenin spent his time thinking and forming up his own government under heavy influence of Marx. Derived from "The Communist Manifesto", Lenin created a system of government that would later impact the whole world. Lenin had created his own political party called the Bolsheviks in 1903. While Lenin was in his own world, thinking about the future Russia, the whole Europe as well as Russia were in the chaos of WWI (from 1914 to 1918). Russia, having lost almost 4 million men to the war, is on the brink of national chaos. Its people were demanding cessation of the war, land reform and an end to shortages of food and goods. The Tsar of Russia, Nicholas Romanov II is overthrown in March 1917 while Lenin was in Switzerland. Germany, taking this as an advantage, sends the exiled Lenin to Russia and encourages him to pursue his ultimate dream of a communist revolution. Why did Germans do it? Because Lenin was against the WW I, and if by any chance Lenin seized power, then Russia will no longer be Germany's eastern enemy. Lenin returns to Russia in April 1917 and immediately begins agitating against the new Russian Provisional Government. In the October Revolution, Lenin and the Bolsheviks seize control of the government from the Provisional Government and take over Russia. He now creates a communist country that is called the Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic later to be named the U.S.S.R. (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) and immediately changes the whole Russia upside down. Many Russian people and political parties who had tolerated the Bolshevik takeover now became thoroughly disenchanted by Lenin's ruthless suppression of dissent from his dictates. This leads to the Russian Civil War. Leon Trotsky now in command of the Red Army, defeats the opposing forces known as the White Army and White Russians. Lenin's takeover is now complete.There were some good effects such as stability but ruthless killing and Dictatorship was imminent. Lenin later dies in 1924 after suffering several strokes.

In what event did Vladimir Lenin take power?

Lenin took power from the Russian Provisional Government headed at that time by Alexander Kerensky. Lenin did not take power from or overthrow the Tsar. That has already been done by the time Lenin took control.

Did Lenin believe in a historically determined nature of revolution?

Absolutely not. True Marxian theory was that a proletariat of industrial workers had to form and become large enough and politically aware enough to seize the means of production from their owners. Then they would institute a period of socialism before communism. Lenin believed that by seizing the government he could impose that period of socialism on the country by force. Russia had no Marxian proletariat because Russia was not an industrialized country. It would have taken decades for a true industrial proletariat to arise in Russia and Lenin did not want to wait for it to happen before he could take control of the country.

When did the Bolsheviks seize the government in Russia?

Febuary 1917

Why was Vladimir Lenin so significant?

Among all the leaders in the 20th century, Lenin is arguably the most significant person in the world of Russian politics. Exiled by the Russian government for his reformation and radical views, Lenin spent his time thinking and forming up his own government under heavy influence of Marx. Derived from "The Communist Manifesto", Lenin created a system of government that would later impact the whole world. Lenin had created his own political party called the Bolsheviks in 1903. While Lenin was in his own world, thinking about the future Russia, the whole Europe as well as Russia were in the chaos of WWI (from 1914 to 1918). Russia, having lost almost 4 million men to the war, is on the brink of national chaos. Its people were demanding cessation of the war, land reform and an end to shortages of food and goods. The Tsar of Russia, Nicholas Romanov II is overthrown in March 1917 while Lenin was in Switzerland. Germany, taking this as an advantage, sends the exiled Lenin to Russia and encourages him to pursue his ultimate dream of a communist revolution. Why did Germans do it? Because Lenin was against the WW I, and if by any chance Lenin seized power, then Russia will no longer be Germany's eastern enemy. Lenin returns to Russia in April 1917 and immediately begins agitating against the new Russian Provisional Government. In the October Revolution, Lenin and the Bolsheviks seize control of the government from the Provisional Government and take over Russia. He now creates a communist country that is called the Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic later to be named the U.S.S.R. (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) and immediately changes the whole Russia upside down. Many Russian people and political parties who had tolerated the Bolshevik takeover now became thoroughly disenchanted by Lenin's ruthless suppression of dissent from his dictates. This leads to the Russian Civil War. Leon Trotsky now in command of the Red Army, defeats the opposing forces known as the White Army and White Russians. Lenin's takeover is now complete.There were some good effects such as stability but ruthless killing and dictatorship was imminent. Lenin later dies in 1924 after suffering several strokes.

What is the ideology based on the ideas of marx and Lenin?

communism Bolshevism and/or Leninism combines the ideas of Marx and Lenin although Lenin has changed some of Marx's ideas around. Thus there is a distinction between Bolshevism/Leninism and Marxism.

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