

What the syntax of for loop in c?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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for (<exp1>; <exp2>; <exp3>) <statement>

exp1 and exp3 are optional; statement can be null-statement or block-statement.


All expressions are optional. An infinite loop has no expressions:


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Yes. while loop consist of only condition statement to make for loop look as while loop we can use syntax shown below: for(;condition;) eg: for(;i&lt;=n;)

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In C (and C++ and Java), the semicolon is used to mark the end of a statement. It is also used the separate the expressions in a for loop.

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The do while loop is also called an exit condition loop in c, c++, and java.

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do { //statements }while(condition); The statements inside the block get executed at-least once, no matter what condition you have placed. Only from the 2nd time the condition is checked, simply because the condition is at the last. for(initialization; condition; updation) { //statements } Here the statements don't get executed even once if the condition fails initially. The condition is at the entry itself.

Is an infinite loop an example of a syntax error?

No. A syntax error is a statement that fails to compile. Infinite loops are simply loops for which the number of iterations is unknown. However, all loops, whether counted loops or infinite loops, must have a reachable exit condition. If a loop does not have a reachable exit condition then it is a logic error, not a syntax error.

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syntax is the way you write your code in it defines the meaning of keywords &amp; how to write

How do you use if statement syntax in a for loop?

You can use any number of if staments within a for-loop, eg: for (i=0; i&lt;10; ++i) { if (i=1) printf ("%d=1\n",i); }

What are while loop in

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