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Martin Luther did not agree with the beliefs of the Catholic Church. Some of his complaints were that the Catholic Church had a system that left sinners in sin, they thought they could buy their way into heaven, and that The Bible should be available to everyone.

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At the point when the Monk Martin Luther started the Protestant renewal in the fifteenth Century, the Church was degenerate. Doctrines had wormed in that were unbiblical and against what Jesus taught. These included limbo, purgatory, praying to saints, the collection of incredible riches, particularly by the Pope and cloisters, the over-veneration of Mary and numerous different regulations which had minimal recorded proof. Luther and others outwardly saw these as gross apostasies. The most degenerate practice - and the one which prompted Luther starting the Reformation of the Church - was that of offering indulgences. As the Church had confidence in the unbiblical conception of limbo ministers sold declarations called Indulgences to clueless lamenting loved ones of the individuals who had kicked the bucket, and, for a tremendously large sum of coin, "guaranteed" a specific number of years less in limbo for their loved one, as the cleric would appeal to God for his or her spirit.

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9y ago

The main theological concern was the Catholic Church's selling of indulgences. He also claimed that by faith alone is one saved and not by works.Another concern was that the bible was written only in Latin, therefore simple laymen could not read the bible for themselves. So with the aid of the printing press he printed parts of the New Testament in German for the people to read themselves, which in turn he convinced the people that the Pope was the anti-Christ.

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8y ago

The overriding theological concern that Martin Luther had with the Catholic Church was that it insisted, along with Jesus Christ, that one must not just believe, but actually follow Christ: to take up one's cross daily, or as the Bible puts it: faith without works is dead. The devil himself believes in God a lot more than you or I, but his faith does him no good.

Martin Luther's primary concern was that he could sin "thousands of times a day" and God will still let him into heaven if he believed even more strongly. The problem is, of course, that Jesus Christ, and every follower of His actually said exactly the opposite. Martin Luther wanted a Church that would tell him he was saved no matter what he actually did, based solely on his belief and faith. Unfortunately this is pure fantasy and not Christianity, so he had to start his own church.

Martin Luther dressed his heresy up by making accusations against the Church on many fronts, he started by writing his 95 Theses. The problem that he had was that he was remarkably ill-educated, which, considering that he taught theology at the graduate level, is astonishing, but there it is. Most of his remarks are remarkably ignorant, and even when confronted with actual Church teaching, he just retreated ,putting himself above everybody and everything, even going so far as to say that the words he added to the Bible were more important because they were his words.

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They were known as the 95 Theses, you may view them at the link below.

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No, Martin Luther was a German monk who started the Reformation of the Catholic Church and the Protestant Movement during the Renaissance. This happened in the early 16th century.

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He nailed a list of complaints to the door of a catholic church, and some churches split away and became lutheran instead of Catholic.

Who nailed a list of complaints about the church to the door f a church in Weinberg Germany?

Martin Luther became dissatisfied with a number of elements the Catholic Church had introduced such as the sale of indulgences. He protested these things and nailed a list of complaints to the door of a church. Martin Luther was the force behind the Protestant Reformation.

What were martin luthers ideas on the church?

that the church was a great place and the only pace you can hve peace.

How were Martin Luthers beliefs different from the beliefs of the Catholic Church?

That is pretty simple, Martin Luther was trying to remove Christ's duly appointed Vicar over His Church: the pope in Rome, and replace him, as the final arbiter of religious doctrine with himself!

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well he was a pastor at Ebenezer baptist church.

What did church officials do in response to martin luthers protest?

He was declaired a heritic and an outlaw.

Explain Martin Luthers doctrine of justification by faith?

Martin Luther taught that people are "justified" by faith and not works. The Roman Catholic Church taught salvations was not just through Jesus, but also through the Church. This ran counter to the teaching of Martin Luther who taught that faith was all that was needed.

What is Martin Luthers religion called?

Lutherans are Martin Luthers religion.