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Citations are marked by inverted commas, either 'like this' or "like this" depending on style.

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1w ago

In citations, a comma is typically used to separate key elements like the author's name and the publication date within the in-text citation. Additionally, periods are used at the end of a citation to signify the end of the reference.

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Q: What type of punctuation mark do you use in citations?
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What is the Punctuation mark used in APA format for citations?

For direct quotes, use the quotation marks ".

Why type of punctuation mark do you use for plays?

underline it

What punctuation does an interrogative sentence end with?

An interrogative sentence ends with a question mark (?). This punctuation is used to indicate that a question is being asked.

Which punctuation is quickest to use?

No punctuation mark is particularly faster than others.

How you use a question mark?

A question mark is used at the end of a sentence to indicate that it is a question. It helps to clarify that the sentence is seeking information or prompting a response from the reader.

What mark do you use to insert a missing letter or punctuation mark?

An apostrophe.

Block quotations contain an exception to the rule for using what punctuation mark in citations?

A period is the exception. Any punctuation can be used in block quotations. Periods are not used within a cited quotation, but after its source. In APA, block quotations don't use the quotation marks, but are indented 1/2 inch.

What punctuation mark would you use after 'as follows'?

full stop

When do you use a questionmark?

A question mark is a punctuation mark, it replaces the use of a full stop at the end of a sentence that is asking a question.

How do you type a correct quote?

To type a correct quote, use opening and closing quotation marks (" "). Place the opening quotation mark before the quoted text and the closing quotation mark after the quoted text. This helps signify the beginning and end of the quote.

How do you use a Exclamation mark in a sentence?

An exclamation mark is used to convey strong emotions such as excitement, surprise, or urgency in a sentence. It is typically placed at the end of the sentence to indicate the tone or mood of the expression. Be mindful not to overuse exclamation marks to maintain the impact and sincerity of your writing.

Why is a punctuation mark used at the end of a statement?

A punctuation mark is put at the end of a sentence to denote the conclusion of an idea. The punctuation mark used here is mainly a period. However, if you use a question mark at the end of a sentence, then it is used to denote that the material before the question mark was a question. An exclamation mark is used to add emphasis to the before-stated material.