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Drayage is the transport of goods over a short distance.

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Q: What type of transportation was only used over a short distance?
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What type of transportation was only used over short distances?

Drayage is the transport of goods over a short distance.

What type of transportation was only over short distances?

There are several types of transportation that were only used over short distances. This includes a cart, a horse and buggy, and walking by foot.

What transportation was used only over short distances?

Horse cars

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What type of transportion was only used over short?

There are several types of transportation that were only used over short distances. This includes a cart, a horse and buggy, and walking by foot.

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A wild turkey can fly up to 55mph. over a short distance.

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Local Winds. And I'm only 12.;)

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The fastest terrestrial mammal over a sustained distance is the Pronghorn antelope

What type of transportation was used over short distances?

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