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It's not that simple.

The overall most important thing for weight loss is that you should eat less calories than you use up.

Vegetables usually have fewer calories than meat, so eating veggies will help. But it's still the overall count that matters most.

If you'd eat a bucket of carrots vs one hamburger patty, then the hamburger would have been a better choice for weight loss.

There's no veggie that'll magic weight away for you.

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Q: What vegetable to eat to lose weight?
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What vegetable makes you lose weight?

No specific vegetable makes you lose weight. Weight loss is achieved by taking in fewer calories than the body uses. Look up Mark Haub, Professor of nutrition and his Twinkie diet. Vegetables will most likely help you feel fuller longer and may help you not eat more caloric dense foods, but in and of themselves they will not make you lose weight.

Is a vegetable food diet effective for losing weight?

The vegetable soup diet is effective depending on the person like any other diet. Most people say it is effective, and yes, it will help you lose the ten pounds you wanted, but if you continue to eat unhealthy, the weight will cone back on. Too much of the soup will not help you lose weight either.

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The best way to lose weight is to eat healthy and exercise. Eat lots of fruits and vegetable and stiop eating a few hours before bedtime. Also drink lots of water.

What snacks can you eat if trying to lose weight?

Carrots & cashews are my favorite. Any type of raw vegetable & any type of raw nut (unsalted) will help to lose weight. Add cardio excersise to your daily routine to help speed up the process of losing weight.

What can you eat instead of salad and vegetable to lose weight?

If you restrict your calorie intake you can lose weight. Also changing it up to trick your motabilism like 500 cals one day and less the next. Also fasting can help to it clenses your body. I hope I helped.

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What vitamins do you lose if you don't eat fruit and vegetable?

vitamin c mainly

How do you eat and still lose weight?

Well, to lose weight healthily you should probably excersize and eat healthy.But if you want to now foods that help you lose weight, eat celery and arrots, they take more calories to eat then the amount of calories in them.Hope I helped

How many calories can you eat and not gain or lose weight?

If you eat more calories than you use you will potentially gain weight. If you eat less than you use you will potentially lose weight. If you eat the same as you use your weight should remain stable.

If you eat pre-mixed chicken Caesar salad everyday can you lose weight?

As long as you eat less than you need to maintain your current weight and activity level, you can eat anything and will lose weight.

Do you lose weight burning calories?

Yes. As long as you eat less than you burn, you will lose weight!

Do you have to eat all the Weight Watchers Foods to lose weight?

No. You can also eat "regular" food.