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Einstein had quite a bit of education. His education included ETH Zurich, Aargau Cantonal School, Luitpold-Gymnasium, and University of Zurich.

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Albert Einstein received a diploma to teach physics and mathematics from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich. He also earned a doctorate in physics from the University of Zurich.

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What was Albert Einstein edcuation?

his education was science

What as Albert Einstein's education?

i dont know when he died

What were Albert Einstein's education requirements?

Albert Einstein is a person therefor he didn't have any education requirements ( hope it answered your question call:(956)5251944 peace out :) :) :) ;) <33

Albert Einstein's education after college?

Institute for Advanced studies

Where was Einstein educated?

Einstein completed his early education in Switzerland at the Swiss Federal Polytechnic School in Zurich. He later obtained his Ph.D. from the University of Zurich.

What is Albert Einstein's education requirements?

Albert Einstein is a person therefore doesn't have any education requirements. If that doesn't make sense...Get a degree in physics and ask someone to give you an Albert Einstein along with your degree. You might get punched because that just doesn't sound right.

What schools did Albert Einstein attend?

Albert Einstein first began Luitpold Gymnasium, he continued his education at the Swiss Federal Polytechnic School in Zurich.

Albert Einstein's parent's professions?

Hermann Einstein was an engineer and salesman involved in electrical equipment. Pauline Koch Einstein was a woman with more formal education than usual for that time, but never held a paid position.

What was the name of Albert Einstein's high school?

Not sure, but I think he went to Princeton for College Education.

How does albert einstein feel about the education system?

Albert Einstein was critical of traditional education systems, believing that they often stifled creativity and focused too much on rote memorization. He believed in nurturing curiosity and personal exploration as essential components of learning. Einstein advocated for a more flexible and individualized approach to education that would foster critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

What university did Einstein go to?

Albert Einstein pursued higher education in Switzerland, where he attended a cantonal academy before enrolling in the Zurich Polytechnic school for a teaching diploma in physics and mathematics.

Einstein's level of education?

Albert Einstein received a teaching diploma (in Mathematics and Physics) from Zurich Polytechnic. He then gained a PhD from the University of Zurich. His dissertation was entitled "A New Determination of Molecular Dimensions".