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life pretty much sucked 1. Russia had been humiliated in a war with Japan 1904. 2. There were many nationalities, languages and religions (the only unity was the Romanov dynasty). 3. Russia was vast - 125 million people spread across Europe and Asia. This made government difficult, especially because of poor communications - bad roads and few railways. 4. An out-of-date farming economy. Most of the population was peasants who lived in the country and are under the control of the nobles. 5. Russia was beginning to industrialize (e.g. Trans-Siberian railway, 1904). Towns/ factories were starting to grow up. But there was worker poverty and poor living conditions - which created a large workforce, disaffected and concentrated in Petrograd, the capital. Also a small wealthier middle class were beginning to want a say in the government. 6. Tsar Nicholas was an autocrat - Nicholas carried out all the business of government alone, without even a secretary, an impossible load He was a weak Tsar. not to mention that most people were extremely poor\unemployed and struggled to survive.

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Between 1900 and 1916, the average Russian was poor and oppressed. The monarchy was overtaxing the population and living in high luxury. This angered the Russian citizens.

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