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I had to think awhile to be able to answer this question. There were no camps for Jews in the United State. The Jews were being killed in Germany and not all over the world. Being Jewish is a religious belief and not the enemy.

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14y ago

Most Jews were sent to extermination camps and gassed soon after arrival. Please see the related question.

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Q: Where there camps in US for Jews during World War 2?
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During which war did Hitler put the Jews in concentration camps?

world war 2

What was the concentration camps like for the Jews during world war 2?

It was painful. It was painful.

Who was sent to prison camps during World War 2?

any jews and or any one who helps the jews

Where were Jews that were under german control sent during the world war 2?

Mostly camps in Poland.

What were railroad cars used for during world war 2?

They were mostly used for the transportation of Jews to and from concentration camps during the Holocaust, which was during World War 2.

How many camps where there in Europe during World War 2?

they were alot of camps in Europe that killed Jews because they were not in the master race

How were all the German camps the same during World War 2?

They all killed Jews in some way.

Why did the Jews stay in Germany during World War 2 instead of escaping?

Hitler kept them in concentration camps

What was used to kill six million Jews during world war 2?

Jews were sent to death camps where diseases spread and many germans killed jews there.

Did Abraham Lincoln free the Jews?

He freed the slaves which was one of the causes of the Civil War in the United States, but he did not free the Jews. The Jews were freed from several concentration camps in Europe during a different war... World War II.

What were concentration camps in World War 2 used for?

torturing jews

Where were many extermination camps located during World War 2?

Most extremination camps were placed in Poland as it was a homeland for many Jews in Europe. Ex. Auschwitz-Birkenau.