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Washington D.C.

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Q: What was the capital city in the union during the civil war?
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Where was the Union capital city during the Civil War?

Washington D.C.

What is the capital city of the south union?

Richmond, Virginia was the capital of the Confederate States of America during the U.S. Civil War.

What city was known as the capital during the US civil war?

Richmond, Virginia was the capital of the Confederate States of America during the U.S. Civil War.

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What is the capital city of the north during the civil war?

Washington D.C.

What was he capital city of the confederacy during the civil war?

Richmond, Virginia.

What city was the capital of the capital of the confederacy during the civil war?

Richmond, Virginia was the capital of the Confederate States of America.

What major city was burned by the union during the civil war?

Mexico city was burned by the union. because i hate Mexicans

What was the capital of the north side in the civil war?

The capitol of the Union (North) was at Washington City (Washington D.C.).

In which city did the confederate capital located during the civil war?

Richmond, Virginia

What is the capital of the south corolina the first state to withdraw from the union before the civil war?

Columbia is the capital city in the U.S. state of South Carolina.

What city served as the capital for the souther states during the cilvar war?

Richmond, Virginia was the capital of the Confederate States of America during the Civil War.