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Shays' Rebellion took place in Massachusetts in 1786-1787. It was prompted by economic problems after the Revolutionary War. There was a lack of hard currency at the time and the government had passed hard measures in an attempt to collect debt from the citizens. The effect was seething resentment, especially from war veterans.

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Q: What was the cause of Shays Rebellion and what were its effects?
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What were the long-term effects of Shay's Rebellion?

What effects did shays rebellion have on the articles of confederation?

Shays Rebellion pointed out the problems in the Articles of Confederation. This lead to the production of the Constitution.

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There were many great rebellions, but none like shays rebellion. Shays' Rebellion was a militia uprising.

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Shays's rebellion is significant because he started a rebellion at the wrong time and this could have cause a collapse in government

Shays rebellion was cause by this problem?

Shays Rebellion was caused by foreclosures on farmers properties.

Who rebelled in shays rebellion?

It was the farm owners who rebelled in Shays' Rebellion. The rebellion occurred in Massachusetts and was led by Daniel Shays. Another prominent leader of the rebellion was Luke Day.

What did shays rebellion focus on closing?

Shays's Rebellion forced courts to close.

Who was the leader of the rebellion closing Massachusetts courts?

The rebellion that led to the closing of courts in Massachusetts was Shays' Rebellion, named after its leader, Daniel Shays. The rebellion was eventually crushed.

Who lead shays rebellion?

Daniel Shays

What year was shay's rebellion?

Shays' Rebellion took place in 1786 and 1787. The rebellion took place in Massachusetts, and was named after its leader, Daniel Shays.

What did Daniel shays do to be important?

he led shays rebellion