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John F Kennedy Jr's body was found on the floor of the ocean off Martha's Vineyard by a robotic underwater camera. The bodies of his wife and sister-in-law were found earlier. There was no public information on the condition of any of the bodies, except that they were deceased.

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Q: What was the condition of John Kennedy Jrs body when it was found?
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Where is John F. Kennedy now?

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Did John F Kennedy's head detach form his body when shot?

No, it didn't.

Was Patrick Bouvier Kennedy's body moved?

It was moved from the Kennedy family cemetery in Massachusetts to be buried with his father, President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, and unborn sister Arabella in Arlington National Cemetery.

Were in the body was John F. Kennedy shot?

One in the upper back just at the neck and once in the back of the head.

How did JFK Jr die?

JFK died by an assassination or you would call it,"he got shot"

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John F Kennedy's body was not viewed by the public because of the fact that his head was lost during the autopsy.

Son John John Kennedy buried?

He isn't buried. When his body (along with his wife and sister-in-law's bodies) were recovered, they were cremated and scattered at sea, off of Martha's Vineyard.

Did John F. Kennedy die from one bullet?

Yes. Shot to the back of the head was fatal. Shot through body probably survivable

Where is Patrick Bouvier Kennedy buried?

Joseph Patrick Kennedy Jr the eldest child of Joseph and Rose Kennedy and the older brother of President John Kennedy was killed in action during World War II, his body was never recovered.

Where is Joseph Kennedy Sr buried?

His body was not recoverable, blown to bits when his plane exploded over the English countryside during a very risky bombing run.

What kind of body language did john f. Kennedy use to make his speech persuasive?

President John F. Kennedy was a master of both oral and body communication. During his speech, he used his hands to signify the transition from one topic to another, and presented an open, energetic and confident appearance with eye contact, body positioning, and a relaxed, and sincere facial expression.