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It made certain practices illegal when their effect was to lessen competition to create a monopoly.

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Q: What effect did the Clayton Antitrust Act have on monopolies such as Standard Oil?
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What did the Clayton Act add to the Sherman Antitrust Act?

The Clayton Act made certain practices illegal when their effect was to lessen competition or to create a monopoly.

What was the chief effect of the Sherman antitrust?

The federal government won the power to prevent monopolies and mergers that interfered with trade between states . =)

What was the effect of the sherman antitrust act?

The federal government won the power to prevent monopolies and mergers that interfered with trade between states . =)

What was the effect of the shermans antitrust act?

The federal government won the power to prevent monopolies and mergers that interfered with trade between states . =)

What was the chief effect of the sherman antitrust act?

The federal government won the power to prevent monopolies and mergers that interfered with trade between states . =)

What effect antitrust laws have on the consumer and the producer when these laws break up a monopoly?

Anti trust laws keep the consumer safe from unfair business practices such as price setting and monopolies. It keeps the produce honest and providing good business while these laws cannot always break up monopolies they can if proved in court.

One effect of monopolies on the US economy is that they have tended to?

reduce business competition

How do antitrust laws effect the circular flow of the free market?

they speed up the flow of capital and wages

What was an effect of Ida Tarbell's writings on John D Rockefellar?

Ida Tarbell's writings exposed the unethical business practices of John D. Rockefeller and his company, Standard Oil, which led to increased public scrutiny and a government investigation. This ultimately contributed to the breakup of Standard Oil's monopoly under antitrust legislation.

The antitrust laws had little effect for many years and powerful business people stayed in control.?

true -morgan :)

The antitrust laws had little effect for many years and powerful business people stayed in control true or false?


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On the standard deviation. It has no effect on the IQR.