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The occupation of the Rhineland caused an escalation of tensions between Germany and other European states since this act was a direct violation of the Treaty of Versailles. It threatened global collective security because Germany was rebuilding its army again and more armaments. Nations feared that war would soon break out and so they began to try and appease Hitler. This act also stirred up the nationalistic feelings of the German people. Hitler promised that he would bring back the glory and redemption that Germany had lost through world war one and the Treaty of Versailles. He helped the Germans out of the depression by remilitarizing and giving people jobs. Hitler was an expansionist during his reign, similar to Napoleon Bonaparte. Germany took the Rhineland but started expanding East later on.

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Q: What was the effects of the 1936 occupation of the Rhineland?
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What was the 1936 German occupation of the Rhineland met by?

The 1936 German occupation of the Rhineland was met by Hitler's troops. Hitler created the reoccupation of the Rhineland military forces to build up his own army.

What was Date of occupation of the rhineland?

March 7, 1936

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In 1936 Germany remilitarized the Rhineland. However, this was not an occupation.

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The German codename for the occupation of the Rhineland was "Operation Winter Excercise" .

What territory was invaded by germany in 1936?

In 1936-37: none. (In 1936 they remilitarized the Rhineland, but as the area had remained German there was no take over). The first area that the Nazis took over was Austria in 1938.

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Definatly the occupation of the Sudetenland because he used no military force, he simply gained it by fear.

When did Hitler occupied Rhineland?


When was the Germany invasion of Rhineland?


What year was Rhineland invaded?

In 1936.

When did hitler invade Rhineland?

Germans have occupied the Rhineland for a considerable length of time! I suspect that the question should be "When did Germany remilitarize the Rhineland?", the answer being 1936. The Rhineland had been made into a demilitarised zone after the Great War, under the terms of the Treaty of Versailles, 1919. Germany had political control of this area, but was not allowed to put any troops into it. In 1936, Hitler ordered troops to re-enter the Rhineland, thus breaking the terms of the treaty.

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What area did Germany take over in 1936 that was forbidden to them by the Treaty of Versailles?

In 1936 Germany occupied and remilitarised the Rhineland, in contravention of the Treaty of Versailles.