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Terrible, ships were wreck, people were dying, very horrorible and sad enivonment. People were also angery. People were trapped, under ships, and drowned. Very sad.

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Q: What was the environment like after the attack on the pearl harbor?
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How was it like before the attack on Pearl Harbor?

There is no such thing of Pearl Harbor I got two words for you SUCK IT

What was Pearl Harbor like before the attack?

It was beautiful

Wy did the Japanese attack pearl harbor?

because they felt like it

What was life like during the attack on Pearl Harbor?

Duck and cover.

Was the attack on Pearl Harbor the most devastating attack on the US?

That sounds to me like a opinion question to me but i would say yes.

What direction did the Japanese planes come from the Pearl Harbor attack?

When the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor they came out of the sun or the East so that it would look like they were coming from America at first.

Did president know about Pearl Harbor attack?

If you mean before it happened, no it doesn't look like he did. After, yes of course.

What was the living conditions like during Pearl Harbor?

Pearl Harbor was a modern facility.

How was the weather like during the Attack on Pearl Harbor?

I have read in a few books that the weather was nice. You will find it was 'tropical' on the page I found that mentions the weather prior to the attack.

How did us defeat japan during Pearl Harbor attack?

Because Pearl Harbor was only one military base in the US out of 737 total. The attack on Pearl Harbor killed 2390 people. The US military has over one million enlisted personnel. It would be like removing one bee from a bee hive and wondering why you still got stung by the other bees.

Why did the Japanese chose pearl harbor as the first target in their attack?

to take out the Pacific Fleet, especially the aircraft carriers like the Enterprise

How successful and for what reasons was the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor?

The attack on Pearl Harbor occurred in an attempt by the Japanese to gain control of as much land as possible. The attack itself was very successful by damaging the ships in harbor. The one major point that was not expected was that none of the Aircraft carriers were in the harbor during the attack. Had they been, the US Navy would have nearly been wiped out according to information I have read. The information I have has come from various websites and books like "Day of Infamy" by Walter Lord.