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Nothing has ever gone faster than the speed of light.

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Q: What was the first rocket to go faster than the speed of light?
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Which travels faster light or rocket?

Light. According to currently accepted theory, a rocket can never reach the speed of light. It might approach it, but with current technology, rockets are several orders of magnitude slower than the speed of light.

Why was light from the rocket seen before the sound of rocket was heard?

Because light travels significantly faster than sound. Speed of light (in vacuum) = 299 792 458 m/s Speed of Sound (at sea-level ) = 340.29 m/s

What was the date when the first plane flew faster than the speed of light?

This has not happened yet. It is usually believed that travelling faster than the speed of light is not possible.

What is faster Speed of Light or Speed of Eyesight?

The speed of light.

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Why can't a rocket in space accelerate to the speed of light?

As far as we understand physics today, we won't ever be able to get to the speed of light. The faster you go, the harder it gets to go any faster. So that last little fraction will "always" remain impossible - or at least until someone invents a whole new branch of physics.

What is faster mind or light?

The speed of knowledge/information travels faster than the speed of light.

What travels faster car or light?

The speed of light is faster than the highest speed of a car.

Conconde flies faster than the speed of light?

No. The Concorde flew faster than the speed of sound. Nothing can move faster than the speed of light.

What year did chuck fly faster than the speed of light?

He never did. But he was the first pilot to successfully travel faster than the speed of sound in 1947.

Are there any galaxies that have travelled faster than the speed of light?

Travelling faster than the speed of light is not possible, therefore no galaxies have travelled or are travelling faster than the speed of light.

Can information travel faster than the speed of light?

According to the Theory of Relativity, nothing can go faster than the speed of light. And since light is information, it cannot go faster than the speed of light.