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More commonly called the "Stolen Generation(s)", this refers to a time in Australia's history where indigenous Australian children were removed from their parents during early childhood. There were placed in group homes to be trained as domestic servants, or adopted into "white" families. The policy was considered, at the time, "for their own good" as the children that were removed were "half-caste", with one white parent (usually absent) and through their removal they would be given the opportunity to reach their full potential.

The children lost their homes, culture, family and native language through this policy, which was intended to intergrate the native population into White Australia more effectively. These children often grew up with little or no memories of their real homes and families except that which they were told, which was often inaccurate. The damage ripples continue in today's generation, the grandchildren of those that were stolen.

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What are some stolen generation facts?

my answer is the stolen generations are Aborigines that were stolen from there family

When did the Australian government apologize to the Australian Aborigines?

Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd officially apologised to the Stolen Generations of Australian Aborigines on 13 February 2008.

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Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd's national apology to the Stolen Generations of Australian Aborigines occurred on 13 February 2008.

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Hotter climates with less frequent cloud cover leads to darkening of the skin over generations.

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Of course, any knowledge or accumulation of money or things can be lost over generations.

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100 generations. The DNA takes a while to get lost.

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Jonathan Reed wrote the poem The Lost Generations

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stories. The stories that have been told down the thousands of generations. Also Nature and location. Thanks for listning TEE HEE

What did prime minister Kevin Rudd do in 2008?

In February 2008, Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd made a national apology to the Stolen Generations of Australian Aborigines.

What date did the Australia government apologize to the people of the stolen generation?

Prime Minister of Australia, Kevin Rudd, apologised to the Stolen Generations of Australian Aborigines on 13 February 2008.

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