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The Stamp Act of 1765 was a law passed by the British Parliament that required the American colonists to pay for an official "stamp" on almost every piece of paper they used, from newspapers and pamphlets (pamphlets were one of the most important ways to spread news and opinion in those days), official documents such as wills and deeds, and even playing cards.

Parliament's Sugar Act of 1764 actually reduced the previous tax rate on molasses (the colonies' primary source of sugar), but because it added to the ability of customs officials to enforce the laws against smuggling, the total amount of the tax collected increased. The Sugar Act also required that certain products of the colonies, such as lumber, could only be exported to Britain; by restricting the market for these items, Britain made them less profitable for the colonies.

An important part of the Sugar Act was Parliament's statement that its purpose was to raise revenue from the colonies. It did not raise much concern at the time, but the passage of the Stamp Act just a year later did. The two acts were the first times Parliament had, without the approval of the colonial legislatures, imposed a tax on the colonies in order to raise revenue rather than as a means of regulating trade (as the previous tax on molasses had been). Many colonists believed that Parliament did not have the right to tax them since they could not elect representatives to Parliament. The slogan "No taxation without representation" expressed their views.

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Q: What was the stamp act and sugar act?
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Was the stamp act before or after the sugar act?

After. The stamp act was added in 1765 and the sugar act was improved in 1764.

How the stamp act different from the sugar act?

The Stamp Act required that many printed materials in the American colonies be produced on paper made in London with a tax stamp. The Sugar Act was a tax on sugar and molasses.

What happened with the sugar and stamp act?

molasses, sugar, and basically anything sweet was taxed by the sugar act.

What act happened first the stamp act or the sugar act?

the sugar act came first

Why was the stamp act different from the sugar act?

the sugar act is when the government taxes you on sweets like sugar and molassess. the stamp act is when the government taxes you on paper products.

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What happened before the sugar act?

stamp act

How are the stamp act and the sugar act different?


How were the sugar and stamp act different?

Well, for one, the stamp act taxed STAMPS and other commonalities, while the sugar act taxed SUGAR and other commonalities.

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What act was the first act to directly tax the colonists?

the name of this Act was the Sugar Act which taxed the colonists for the first time

Which act was the first to impose an internal tax on the colonies?

The sugar tax was the first tax to affect he American colonies that had not been approved by them but it was not directly taxing them. the stamp act was the first tax that directly affected them that had been passed without their consent