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Catholic AnswerM. Luther's ideas were posted in his 95 Theses. See the link below.
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Q: What were Martin Luther's ideas for the Catholic Church?
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What were martin luthers ideas on the church?

that the church was a great place and the only pace you can hve peace.

Which individual work had the greatest impact on the spread of the martin luthers ideas?

Johannes Gutenberg

Which individuals work had the greatest impact on the spread of martin luthers ideas?

Johannes Gutenberg

How did Martin Luthers ideas about religious truth threaten the Roman Catholic Church?

Martin Luther's ideas were threatening because his ideas went against what the Roman Catholics were teaching. The points he made shed light onto the truth in the Bible that salvation can not be earned. This idea took away the Catholic church's major source of income, paying to wipe out sins. God's love for all humans and their faith in his Son is all that's necessary. God gave his only Son to die and thereby paid the cost of all sin. All we humans must do is believe in Jesus Christ.

How did peasants use Luthers ideas to support their revolts?

Martin Luther's ideas were questioning the church and this led to the peasants rioting against the church because they realized that the Catholics weren't always right. !

How did the ideas of Martin Luther and the teachings of the Catholic Church differ 3 examples?

The core theological difference is Luther believed in salvation by faith alone and the Catholic Church believed in salvation by faith plus works.

Where did Luthernism start?

The Lutheran Church, named after Martin Luther (NOT Martin Luther King, Jr) began in 1517 when Martin Luther posted the Ninety-Five Theses upon the Roman Catholic Church in Germany, and the ideas spread around Europe, forming the Lutheran Church.

Can a Roman Catholic be a member of a Protestant church?

No. The Protestant Church began as a division away from Roman Catholic Church in the 14th century. The central ideas of the churches are similar, but the Protestant Church has altered the original Catholic Bible and disagrees with some Catholic ideas, such as confession.

How did martin Luther's ideas change the church?

The church banned the sale of indulgances ,priests and bishops had to live in their diocese and parishes ,the church set up a court called the inquistion to punish people who were not loyal to god which involved some people being burned at the stake, these changes happened after 1563

Who was threatened by Martin Luther's ideas?

The established church.

How did martin Luther hurt the church?

He hurt the Church, because he took her followers and he preached ideas that inflicted violence towards Catholics. His groups destroyed many Catholic convents, monasteries, Churches, and colleges

Which of martin luthers ideas did the catholic church include in its reforms?

Reading through Martin Luther's Ninty-five Theses, one would have to say that the Catholic Church did not include any of his ideas in their reforms other than the one that showed the necessity of better education of the clergy - for obvious reasons. Of Luther's 95 Theses, some of them were already Catholic dogma, that apparently the hapless Luther did not know (and steadfastly refused to know) while others were clearly heretical or nonsensical. Bottom line? None, other than requiring better education of anyone ordained to the priesthood.