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"One of the key issues in philosophy is what constitutes a moral life, which entails questions of the meaning of happiness and its importance, the definition of moral character and its necessity, conflicts between the two elements, and the question of what other elements are necessary for living a good life. "Happiness can be identified not as an element in living the good life but as the act of living the good life. Aristotle indicates this with reference to the issue of wisdom. For Aristotle, practical wisdom means knowledge concerning the good life and how to achieve it. In addition, for Aristotle the good life is the happy life, and everything that is good is good only as it leads to and is conducive to human happiness. Aristotle argues that not all ends are final ends, and some are the means to other ends. Yet there has to be a final end in sight or the process would be infinite and never reach the good, the chief good that is something final. There can be only one final end, and that is the end human beings are seeking. Identifying what this is requires a consideration of its nature and the nature of competing goals." "One of the key issues in philosophy is what constitutes a moral life, which entails questions of the meaning of happiness and its importance, the definition of moral character and its necessity, conflicts between the two elements, and the question of what other elements are necessary for living a good life. "Happiness can be identified not as an element in living the good life but as the act of living the good life. Aristotle indicates this with reference to the issue of wisdom. For Aristotle, practical wisdom means knowledge concerning the good life and how to achieve it. In addition, for Aristotle the good life is the happy life, and everything that is good is good only as it leads to and is conducive to human happiness. Aristotle argues that not all ends are final ends, and some are the means to other ends. Yet there has to be a final end in sight or the process would be infinite and never reach the good, the chief good that is something final. There can be only one final end, and that is the end human beings are seeking. Identifying what this is requires a consideration of its nature and the nature of competing goals."

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The Romans were influenced by thre Greek schools of philosophy: stoicism and epucureanism snd, in their later days, Neo-platonism.

Seneca was the most famous Roman Stoic philosopher. Other prominent stoic philosophers were Cato the Younger, Rebellius Plautus, Musonius Rufus, Thrasea Paetus, and emperor Marcus Aurelius.

Epicurean philosophers were: Amafinius, Horace, Lucretius and Virgil. Julius Caesar leaned strongly towers Epicureanism, even though he was not actually a philosopher in the academic sense.

Boethius was a Neo-Platonist.

St Augustine, the prominent Catholic theologian, was a Roman and also a Neo-Platonist philosopher.

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Q: What were some contributions of Roman and Greek philosophy?
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Were the Romans afraid of the Greeks?

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