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You are lumping two separate issues into one question. Frankly, I'm pretty sure that you're confused about what 'love' is, but that's a different issue again.

If you find yourself 'out of love' with your husband, what have you done to make your marriage better? One of the most important parts of being married is to be able to communicate with each other when you aren't happy. If you were once attracted to him and now you're not; that wasn't love and you married him under false pretenses (not necessarily on purpose, perhaps in ignorance). When you were married, you made commitments to another person. That is an issue between you and your husband and must be worked out between you and your husband.

If you use your attraction to the new man as an excuse, it is only an attraction which will also fade in time and it is only an excuse to avoid dealing with your real problem. Bottom line, you can't fix one mess by starting a new one.


You should ignore the someone else until you are no longer committed to your husband. Truly, it is easier to work with the husband you have than to start over again with someone else you are infatuated with. Love comes with a strong relationship over time.

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Q: What will do if you fall out of love with your husband and in love with someone else?
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