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the wheel bearing on the vehicle will make a roaring noise when you accelerate the faster you go the louder it gets

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Q: What would make a truck have a roaring noise while driving it over 10mph and the noise increases as you go faster?
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The front hub bearings are a common source of these noises on the these models.

A pickup can travel 300 miles in the same time that a car going 10 miles per hour faster can travel 350 miles How fast is the pickup traveling?

The difference in distance traveled is 50 miles (350 - 300 = 50)We also know that the car is going 10mph faster than the truck is.Using that information we can find out the time taken for the car and truck to go their respective distances.We take the extra 50 miles traveled by the car and divide it by the 10mph faster that the car is traveling than the truck(50 miles / 10mph = 5 hours)So we now know that it took the truck 5 hours to travel 300 miles.(300 miles / 5 hours = 60mph)To check your answer you can see if the cars speed matches up with the information given in the initial question.So we have (350 miles / 5 hours = 70mph)70mph is indeed 10mph faster than the truck, therefore, the answer is correct.

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At the bottom of the muffler there is a cap. undo the screw and take the cap off for about 10mph boost.. note removing the muffler cap makes the bike noiseier