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Q: What year did Hitler decide to kill all Jews and undesirables help in Nazi controlled Europe?
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What year did hitler decide to kill all jews undesirables held in nazi controlled europe?

The Jews were sytematically killed during the years 1941-1945. Other undesireables (apart from Gypsies) were not systematically killed.

What plan did Hitler decide to kill all undesirables?

It was called the T-4 programme, it was a pre-cursor to the Holocaust and the Final Solution.

What year did Hitler decide to kill Jews and undesirables?

He always did since the lost of ww1, he wanted revenge on the jews but once he came to power in 1933, he putted his imaginations into action

What year did Hitler decide to kill all Jews and undesirables held in the Nazi controlled europe?

It is generally considered that Hitler decided sometime between the summer of 1941 and the summer of 1942, but as he never wrote it down, it is hard to say with total conviction. One other leading theory is that the decision was not made until 1943, after 4 million had already been killed. Most of the decisions to kill the groups other than the Jews were made late in 1944 or 1945.

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The possibility of Hitler rising to power, making him famous. Hitler probably wanted to have something unique to remember him.

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What was at stake on D-Day?

The allies needed to open up a second front in Europe. If they did not, it was possible that Russia would fall to the German Army in the East and that mainland Europe would remain uder Nazi occupation. Europe was at stake. Hitler held all of a large portion of Europe before D-day. Hitler could have sent the soldiers in France to throw back the Allies in Italy or the Russians. D-Day was the defining moment for the war in Europe. Hitler knew that as long as we remianed in England, he couldn't reach them. Europe was at stake. IT was to decide to who would get the spoils of the war. If D-Day had failed, then Russia would have taken most of the spoils.

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The invaded Africa because Benito Mussolini's fascists occupied those countries. Then they invaded Italy to remove Mussolini from power and take out Hitler's ally in Europe.

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because he was drunk

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they didnt, Hitler started attacking them