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U.S. public schools have always made an effort to stay current with modern science. Since Darwin published his "Origin of the Species" in England in 1859, it can be assumed that public schools in the U.S. began teaching the principles of evolution soon afterward--perhaps within a decade or so. For example, the Nashville "Christian Advocate" (a Tennessee newspaper) was decrying the theory as a threat to faith as early as 1880. Evolutionary sciences met widespread resistance in the fundamentalist segments of the U.S., of course, leading to the infamous Scopes trial in Tennesee of 1925. It should be noted, however, that even though the fundamentalist cause was largely discredited during this event, evolution per se was more avoided than taught in public-school science classes (for fear of arousing the controversy again) until about the 1960s. It varies state by state. The word evolution is banned in some states and the words "change over time" must be used. Dover, Pennsylvania is having to deal with criticisms chicken butt

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Q: What year did they start teaching evolution in US public schools?
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Which country do kids have to go the most days of school?

The children of Korea go about 240 days a year for a standard public school schedule ---------------- I'm a student in Singapore and I go to school 247 days a year... but it varies slightly for Secondary schools. Primary (Elementary) schools have it worse though, they have around 20 days more than us because their holidays start later (approx. 267 days a year)

Why did fire drills start in schools?

fire drills are like practicing if there were a real fire so we would know what to do right away

What time does school start in Kenya?

in Kenya, schools especially primary and high schools have 3 terms a year, the first term starts on January as set by the ministry of education, they set a week say mon to Friday by which all schools in the republic should open, then the schools govern the exact day to open within the government directive, school goes on for 3 months and they break for April holidays to resume on May all the way to July, break on august and resume on sept, final break is end of November, some schools especially boarding schools have weekend breaks in the middle of the terms. Patrick ngari

What year did Marie Curie start liking science?

She had a general education in local Warsaw schools had some scientific training from her father. In 1891, she continued her studiesin Paris at the Sorbonne where she obtained Licenciateships in Physics and the Mathematical Sciences.

What actions promote a more scientific understanding of comets asteroids and meteors?

Actions we could take to promote a more scientific understanding of comets, asteroids, and meteors would start with education. Educate more in schools, colleges, television, and movies.

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Teaching someone to believe in evolution? and Richard Dawkins' books are a good start, particularly The Selfish Gene.

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How do you start an essay on evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of religious education teaching in schools?

Check out That is the site that will be useful for you.

Why are there cathloic and public schools?

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The Supreme Court ruling that caused schools to start integrating in the 1950s was Brown v. Board of Education (1954). This landmark decision declared that segregation in public schools was unconstitutional, effectively ending racial segregation in schools.

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There are schools that teach Autistic children in the Detroit area. The best place to start would be to speak to the local schools and see what programs they offer.