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Depends on the breed of dog, with most more aggressive breeds, it might be smart to keep him away. However, in wolves, wild dogs, and even domestic breeds, it is a common instinctual reaction of the female to not to let the male near her puppies. If the female doesn't growl or try to bite him or scratch his eyes out or something, it's probably safe to let him near, if she does, probably not. A mothers instinct is (almost) never wrong.

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Q: When a female dog has puppies do you have to keep the boy dog away?
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What do they are used for male dogs and female dogs?

A male dog is a Boy and a female dog is a girl. If they breed, then they could have puppies.

What are the symptoms of female puppies in season?

The girl puppies will start acting strange then the boy dogys will start to follow them  and the girl dogs whine and the boy dogs grunt so that's how u know

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I don't think she would let you. She'll nip and growl at him. Nursing dogs are pretty fussy with people and other dogs around the pups.

Is it possible that boy dogs have baby's?

No. They do not have the reproductive organs needed to carry or birth the puppies, if you'd like some puppies I'd recommend a female dog for that task.

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To be able to tell the difference between a girl or boy puppy look at the genitals. A male dog will have a penis and a female dog will have a vagina.

Is it better to keep a male or female puppy?

both male and female are good. male because they are really playful, they can go huntiing and everything and can help a female have babys. female cause they can have puppies that are really cute!

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No only a female can fall pregnant with a litter of puppies but if she is desexed then she cant either

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Dug is a male dog. In the film's credits, Dug is shown with a female dog and several puppies.

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Depends. If you want to have puppies definitely get a female. (no duh!) Even if you don't want to have puppies and still want a female it can be done, just with a little extra work. (AKA getting them fixed) Also, it sometimes depends on what gender you are yourself . Like if you're a female, you probably will have an easier time "bonding' with a dog the same gender as you. Hope this helps!

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