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When alcohol is consumed along with other depressant drugs or medicines it can first result in deeper respiratory depression. Respiratory depression means the brain doesn't signal the body to breathe like it should. The person breathes more shallowly, and gets less oxygen. This can be so profound that a person doesn't breathe--then resumes breathing. Or, it can be so profound that the person stops breathing, then goes into respiratory followed by cardiac arrest. Or it can lead to vomiting and inhalation of the vomit.

In heavy or chronic drinkers, mixing meds with alcohol can overload their already overworked liver. The person could develop jaundice and go into liver failure. The person can be extremely ill or even die without treatment.

Since alcohol potentates (increases) the effects of many medications, alcohol should be avoided.

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Q: When alcohol is consumed along with other depressant drugs or medicines it can result in?
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