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Hitler never attacked Albania. It was used a buffer zone, and it was occupied by the Italians in the 1930's.

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Q: What date did Mussolini invade Albania?
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In 1939, Benito Mussolini invaded the kingdom of Albania.

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What other nation across the Adratic sea did Mussolini invade?


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When what is now Turkey was ruled by the Ottoman Empire, it did invade what is now Albania.

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In April of 1939, Mussolini took advantage of his perceived weakness of France and England and took over Albania.

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Italy invaded a handful of countries during World War 2. This included Ethiopia, along with Albania and Greece. The Italians and Mussolini, however, were heavily pressured by Hitler and the Nazis to invade its neighbors.

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The body of water that the Italian army crossed to get to Albania is Adriatic Sea. The Italian army arrived in port of Durres in April 7th, 1939 where they faced the initial resistance by the Albanian forces led by Mujo Ulqinaku.

Why was Italy successful in World War 2?

Italy was led by famous dictator Benito Mussolini, who led them to invade different countries like Ethiopia and Albania (they actually took over them too).

What countries have Albania invaded?

Albania is the one that's invaded we have no power to invade anyone

Which of these nations did Mussolini seize in 1939?

Mussolini seized the nation of Albania in 1939 and was made a separate kingdom.

What year did Mussolini invade Ethiopia and receive hitlers help?

Mussolini invaded Ethiopia in 1935.