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Q: When i block cookies in Firefox they are still there everyday. how can i avoid getting these cookies?
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It was one of Clint Eastwood's poorest films! Avoid at all costs!

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bath everyday

What are cookies for?

As Cookies are tasty, they are good for cheering a person up. Recommended though, are Cookies bought in a bakery, or at least "Archway Rocky Road"! Please avoid cookies sold at discount grocery stores. They are yuck.

What are cookies good for?

As Cookies are tasty, they are good for cheering a person up. Recommended though, are Cookies bought in a bakery, or at least "Archway Rocky Road"! Please avoid cookies sold at discount grocery stores. They are yuck.

How do you avoid getting arrested?

To avoid getting arrested do not commit any crimes.

Do cookies track what ads you click on?

Ok, TMI, but try to read it all. I will bold the direct answer but be careful! Cookies do alot of things.. Including, if you aren't careful, look at what you are typing. All of it.Yes, they can track what ads you click, too. In fact, some cookies are harmless; that's all they do. But they also like to take little peeps at your URL now and again...Now before you burn your computer, I would suggest looking up how to clear cookies, and if you are using firefox, set your browser to delete them on leaving.And to answer that burning question, yes, santa likes cookies VERY much, so don't visit any NAUGHTY sites. (This is a good way to avoid harmful cookies in general.)

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no way to avoid getting it

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cookies taste goood wit milk mi mannn

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One reason to avoid getting Chibas is because you don't like them. Another reason to avoid getting Chibas is because you have had a bad experience with them in the past.

How can you avoid getting a spanking from your mom for getting in trouble in school?

The best way to avoid getting a spanking from your mom for getting in trouble at school is not to get into trouble at school.

How do I avoid the need to enter www when entering a website name?

Just don't type it, you don't have to, at least not in Mozilla FireFox or Chrome.

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