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First you may want to decide what you mean with "fast" - velocity in km/hour? Angular velocity?

Both Jupiter and Saturn spin more than twice as fast as Earth (angular velocity). You may also want to check the rotation of Uranus and Neptune, they rotate faster than Earth, but not twice as fast.

First you may want to decide what you mean with "fast" - velocity in km/hour? Angular velocity?

Both Jupiter and Saturn spin more than twice as fast as Earth (angular velocity). You may also want to check the rotation of Uranus and Neptune, they rotate faster than Earth, but not twice as fast.

First you may want to decide what you mean with "fast" - velocity in km/hour? Angular velocity?

Both Jupiter and Saturn spin more than twice as fast as Earth (angular velocity). You may also want to check the rotation of Uranus and Neptune, they rotate faster than Earth, but not twice as fast.

First you may want to decide what you mean with "fast" - velocity in km/hour? Angular velocity?

Both Jupiter and Saturn spin more than twice as fast as Earth (angular velocity). You may also want to check the rotation of Uranus and Neptune, they rotate faster than Earth, but not twice as fast.

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14y ago
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14y ago

The earth's highest orbital velocity occurs at the moment when the earth

reaches perihelion ... the point in its orbit where it is closest to the sun.

In 2010, that happened on January 3rd.

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14y ago

First you may want to decide what you mean with "fast" - velocity in km/hour? Angular velocity?

Both Jupiter and Saturn spin more than twice as fast as Earth (angular velocity). You may also want to check the rotation of Uranus and Neptune, they rotate faster than Earth, but not twice as fast.

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11y ago

Just like every other mass in a closed orbit around a central body, the earth travels

fastest in its path around the sun when it's at the point in its orbit that's closest to

the sun ... the point called "perihelion". That happens in the first few days of January.

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8y ago

When the earth enters into Perihelion, where the planet is closest to the sun, is when it's orbiThe earth move around the sun in a nearly circular orbit of radius 1.50*x10^11m.during the three summers months can elapsed time of 7.89*10^6 the earth moves one fourth of the distance around the sun. what is the average speed of the earth?ting faster.

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11y ago

tjhat would depend on your frame of reference. If that frame of reference is the Sun, then when the Earth is at perihelion (closest to the Sun -around January 3) its angular velocity is greatest.

In its orbit, the Earth at perihelion moves around 110 000 kilometers an hour. That is about 8,5 times the diameter of the Earth or halfway to the moon (in just one hour)!

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13y ago

The earth's orbital speed is greatest at the point in the orbit where it's closest to

the sun. That point is called the "perihelion", and the earth passes it on the 1st

or 2nd day of January.

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14y ago

All planets follow elliptical orbits. Kepler's laws of planetary motion tell us that the planets are moving faster when they are closest to the Sun, and more slowly when they are further away.

In the case of Earth, there isn't a whole lot of difference. But the Earth is closest to the Sun about January 4 each year, and furthest away on July 4th.

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11y ago

When the Earth is closest to the sun. That point in the orbit is called

"perihelion". We pass it during the first few days in January.

(That's right. The Earth is closest to the sun in January.)

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14y ago

Earth is closest to the Sun around the 4th of July. During that time it's motion is the fastest but only by a small percent. The average speed of rotation is 30 kilometer per second.

Earth is closest to the Sun during perihelion around the 3rd of January every year.

Its speed varies between 30.287 and 29.291 km/s, according to Kepler's laws of planetary motion, and its angular speed also varies, and thus the Sun appears to move faster at perihelion (currently around January 3) and slower at aphelion a half year later (on the 4th of July).

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When does the earth moves most rapidly around its orbit?

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