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totally rejected the political structures they inherited from the British

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Q: When they declared their independence from England the colonists did?
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What did the colonists do When they declared their independence from England?

they partied

Who was king of England when American colonists declared their independence from England?

King George III

When they declared their independence from England the colonists?

renounced the use of the English language

The colonists declared their independence from England on July 4?

No, but they did in 1776.

Who was the king of England when American colonist declared their independence?

American colonists' declared their independence in1776. The English King at the time was George III.

What year did americans colonists declare undependence from england?

The American colonists declared independence from England in 1776. This came after the American Revolution.

Why did the colonists take up arms against the English government?

The colonists declared independence from Britain due to unfair taxes and tyranny. They declared there independence on July 4th ,1776.

When they declared their independence from England?

What you are asking is the second half of a question. The beginning is not stated, but it might be something like this: "What new form of government did the American colonists adopt when they declared their independence from England?" The answer being democracy.

How did the declaration of independence reflect the colonists ideas about government?

The Declaration of Independence was the document which declared independence of the colonists from Great Britain, making their independence "official."

What happened in the year 1976?

America declared it's independence from England by signing the Declaration of Independence

What were the causes and consequences of the American declaration of independence in 1776?

The cause of the Declaration of Independence was the laws and taxes that Britain forced on the colonies. The declaration listed the complaints of the colonists, and declared independence from England. The result was the American War of Independence, in which America was victorious.

What did colonists do to upset the British?

The colonists were British and when they declared independence they were seen as traitors by the king.