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I suggest the book, "Taking Charge of Your Fertility". You are most likely to get pregnant the day of your LH surge. This is the hormone that surges about 36 hours before the egg pops out. Ovulation predictor kits and the Clearblue Fertility Monitor are used to detect the LH surge.

AnswerYou are most likely to get pregnant 12 to 14 days after the last day of your period. AnswerYou can find more information about when you are more likely to get pregnant if you go to or AnswerIt is not particularly difficult to tell when you are ovulating---the cervical mucus is more abundant, clear, and stringy. Non-fertile day mucus is scanty, cloudy, and tacky. You can tell the difference on toilet paper if you pay attention. You get fertile mucus for a few days before you ovulate, to assist sperm in getting past the cervix and into the womb. If you avoid making love during the fertile mucus times and for three days afterwards, you will not get pregnant. You can have fertile mucus more than once in your cycle. See for more information on fertile mucus and natural family planning.
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Q: Where can you learn more about the menstrual cycle and when you are more likely to get pregnant during the month?
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Can a woman get pregnant during menstruation cycle?

a woman can get pregnant at ANY time. yes she can during her menstrual cycle. it is less likely - but does happen! wrap up and protect!

What is fertile in menstrual cycle?

The term fertile means when you are able to get pregnant. During a typical menstrual cycle of 28 days a woman would likely be fertile between days 7-16 of the menstrual cycle.

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Is it possible to get pregnant during menstrual cycle?

You are constantly in a menstrual cycle. It is the 28 days from the start of one period to the start of another. What I think you meant to ask is "Can you get pregnant during Menstruation?" Menstruation is your period. You can get pregnant during this time, but your chances are very low.

How related fertility and menstrual cycle?

They are entirely related. The previous answer that it's ultimately "God's will" and science is only "sort of" involved in fertility is complete nonsense; the entire menstrual process explains in detail when and how fertility occur. In other words, depending on where in your menstrual cycle you are, you will be more or less likely to become pregnant (less likely during your period and just after, more likely during ovulation).

Is it safe to have intercourse just after the menstrual cycle?

The menstrual cycle is the reproductive cycle, unless a woman is pregnant or on hormonal birth control then during her reproductive years she is always in her menstrual cycle. A woman can have sex at any point in her menstrual cycle as long as she uses birth control.

Can you have your menstrual cycle and be pregnant?

Most often missed periods occur during pregnancies.

How can a lady get the excat day that now can she get pregnant?

A lady, if she is fertile, can get pregnant at any time during her menstrual cycle.

Do you conceive the same month you miss your menstrual?

Most likely if you missed a cycle you may all ready be pregnant.

How likely is it she's pregnant?

It is impossible to answer whether someone else is pregnant when we do not know things like:when was her last menstrual periodwhen did she have sexdid she have unprotected sex (a no-no, always use protection! guys and gals!)when during her cycle did she have sex

When is the dangerous period of menstrual cycle?

There is nothing dangerous during the menstrual cycle, if you mean when a woman can get pregnant then it depends on her cycle - the only way to know when a woman is fertile or not would be to use fertility awareness method. During a typical 28 day cycle a woman is most likely to be fertile during days 7-16, but everyone's cycle is different and can vary one cycle to the next.

Can you have chest x ray during menstrual cycle?

Yes. If ever pregnant, avoid x-rays during the first trimester.