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You probably shouldn't post a picture of a teacher smoking pot, but if you are going to just post it on any site. it will find its way onto Google and a bunchh of people will see it. Or just print out copies and post them around school

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Q: Where can you post a picture of a teacher smoking pot?
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no... she is a good role model, so stop the rumour

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as soon as we started smoking pot as soon as we started smoking pot

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smoking veryday and smoking by your self

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because i was smoking pot once and got hit with a stone.

Can smoking pot cause one eye to droop?

probably, smoking pot screws up everything about you

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Call child protective service, social services, and get a good lawyer.

Your school is using Facebook to accuse you of smoking pot you are smiling in the picture but there is no pot in the picture - can they do that?

WTF! they cant do that. thats not right. Anyway your school cant legally interfere with outside of your school. What you do in your free time is your buisness. You in a picture on facebook smiling is not evidence of you smoking pot anyway. If they dont back off, you may have to take it further. Youve done nothing wrong. Only your parents can take control of your personal life. If they're worried about you its up to them to contact the school not the other way around.

Can taking valproate semisodium and smoking pot be life threatening?

yes, smoking pot with anything is life threatening.

How do you obtain tetrahydrocannibol without smoking pot?

Eat pot.

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Is puking when smoking pot bad?

Probably not. But smoking "pot" is. Not only is it illegal (in the US), it is potentially lethal, although there has NEVER been a recorded "pot" overdose or anything of the sort.