

Where can you spot the full moon in Z elda the wind waker?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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Well, just look at the sky at night :)

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Q: Where can you spot the full moon in Z elda the wind waker?
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The moon doesn't technically "rise" in the sky. It is circling the Earth. This is why each night it is in a different spot in the sky.

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How do moon phases and eclipses correspond?

When the moon, earth and sun are aligned you get eclipses. If the moon is between the earth and sun then you get a solar eclipse - the moon goes in front of the sun from earths view point. This is also the time when there is a new moon or no moon. We can't see it as the light being reflected off it from the sun is on the other side. A lunar eclipse is when the earth is in the middle, And causes a shadow on the moon. This is at the time of a full moon. We don't always see an eclipse at new moon or full moon as the alignment has to be spot on. The orbits of moons and planets are not regular circles.

What makes the moon stay in its spot?

gravity. -.-

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Why does the moon come up later the night after the full moon?

The moon orbits the earth, therefore it will always be in a different spot each day or night so will rise later each day by 48 minutes. This also affects what time the moon will set and when it will reach it's highest point in the sky.

What is the Moon's elevation?

This depends on your latitude, the moon's phase, the moon's position with respect to the Earth and sun and the time of year. Where I live in north London, and at the time I write this (Monday, 22nd July 2013), the moon is very close to full and is about 23 degrees above the horizon.