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In reality he didn't want to drop the atomic bombs on Japan because he knew the consequences it could have on Japanese citizens since he knew the devastation those bombs could cause.

However he knew that if nothing was done millions of American soldiers would die trying to beat japan. So he wanted to break the will of the people So he warned japan if they didn't give up unconditionally he would drop a bomb on japan. However Japan didn't take him serious. That's when the first bomb was dropped it cause heavy civilian casualties on japan but even then japan still did not want to give up so Truman ordered another bomb to drop and it was dropped and again cause even more civilian casualties than the first bomb.

Afterwards Japan surrendered unconditionally.

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The atomic bombs were to be used "as they become available" on the targets on the list prepared in May 1945, final selection of which targets were to be hit on a given bombing mission was up to the field commanders on Tinian (not Truman) based on weather reports and reconnaissance overflights.

The Manhattan Project had plans and the operating facilities necessary to build 23 atomic bombs before the end of 1945 (and more in 1946, 1947, etc. if necessary) and had Japan not surrendered the atomic bombings would have continued (along with the multiple nightly 1000 plane raids with conventional fire bombs, two D-day invasions of Japan (each larger than the 1944 Normandy D-day invasion), use of chemical weapons (e.g. nerve gas, mustard gas) on Japan during the invasions, etc.

Los Alamos had already finished a 3rd atomic bomb before the Nagasaki bombing and shipped it to San Francisco, where it was to be flown by Paul Tibbets to Tinian to be used on Japan (probably in late August). However before it reached San Francisco the Japanese indicated they would surrender, so Truman canceled the orders to bomb Japan. As a result, as soon as this bomb arrived in San Francisco it was shipped back to Los Alamos (probably becoming the first atomic bomb in the US stockpile).

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2 atomic bombs and 2 million HE bombs and 5 million incendiary fire bombs

Would the cities bombed by the atomic bomb just be bombed by the fire bombs?

See: Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

What did Truman fear about dropping the atomic bomb?

That it wouldnt work or that the Earth would catch fire.

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President Harry Truman, in notes made at the Potsdam Conference, July 25, 1945, in reference to the successful first test at Trinity in New Mexico of the atomic bomb nine days earlier.

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