

Where did the iron age tools first originate?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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they originated in Africa and Egypt.

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Q: Where did the iron age tools first originate?
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Related questions

Who created the first tools with iron?

The Hittites are credited with being one of the first civilizations to use iron for tools and weapons around 1800 BCE. They developed iron technology independently from other regions, paving the way for the Iron Age.

What are the differences of the tool used in the Stone Age and the tools used in the Iron Age?

In the Stone Age, tools were primarily made from materials like wood, bone, and stone, while in the Iron Age, tools were made from metal. This transition marked a significant advancement in technology and allowed for stronger, more durable tools to be created during the Iron Age. Additionally, the tools used in the Iron Age were often more specialized and efficient compared to the more general-purpose tools of the Stone Age.

In the Iron Age what was iron used for?

Ploughshares, tools, weapons.

What is the Period after the Bronze age when humans used tools made from iron?

The Iron Age.

Was the Stone Age before or after the Iron Age?

The Stone Age occurred before the Iron Age. The Stone Age is divided into different periods (such as the Paleolithic, Mesolithic, and Neolithic), during which early humans used stone tools, while the Iron Age followed when humans began to work with iron tools and weapons.

What tools where made in the iron age?

Tools made in the Iron Age included weapons like swords, spears, and axes, as well as farming tools such as plows, sickles, and scythes. Iron tools were also created for woodworking, construction, and metalworking. Advancements in ironworking techniques during the Iron Age led to the production of varied and specialized tools to meet a wide range of needs.

What did people make during the iron age?


Why was it called the Iron Age?

The tools were made of iron and steel, as opposed to bronze in the Bronze Age and stone in the Stone Age which preceded it.

When was iron tools invented?

Iron tools have been in use since around 1200 BCE, during the Iron Age. They replaced the softer bronze tools that were used during the preceding Bronze Age.

What are the six tools used in the iron age period?

The six main tools used in the Iron Age were hammers, anvils, tongs, chisels, saws, and drills. These tools were essential for shaping and working with iron, which was a major advancement in technology during this period.

What tools were made from iron during the iron age?

During the Iron Age, tools made from iron included swords, spears, axes, plows, and knives. Iron was also used to create jewelry, containers, and various types of hardware such as nails and hinges.

How was the element iron used in the past?

In the iron age iron was used to make useful tools that they made easier, more complex, sometimes more hard and resistant than the stones tools of the stone age.