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VISA cards do not have issue numbers, it is for Switch/Solo only. if you are asked for it enter 0.

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Q: Where is your issue number on a visa electron card?
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Is visa electron card accepted in US?

I think it is... but not widely, which is the case in any other country with electron. Although US banks don't issue VISA Electron.

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I own a Visa Electronic card and i want to make a purchase online. What number do i enter?

What is the use of a Visa electron card?

The use of a Visa electron card is to be able to transfer money and is all around the world except Australia, Canada, Ireland and the United States. The Visa electron card was introduced in the 1980's.

Where write issue number visa debit card?

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Why would VISA issue a debit card whose number is invalid?

Because Visa makes mistakes as much as any company does.

Using visa debit card on website with no option?

If there is no Visa Delta or Visa Electron option then just use Visa (as in Visa Credit Card) this will allow your payment to be accepted. 828

Visa card number?

A Visa card number is the unique 16-digit number embossed on the front of a Visa card. This is your account number and is needed anytime you want to charge anything to the card.

Where is your visa number on your visa?

on the front of the visa card

A valid card number for visa?

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Is a citi card master or visa?

Citi card can be both master and visa. Citibank is a banking institution that can issue both Visa and MasterCard credit cards to consumers.

How can you tell if a credit card number is a Visa card number?

"There are several ways to tell if a credit card number is a Visa card number or not. First, Visa numbers always start with the number 4. They are also usually 13 or 16 digits in length."