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{| |- | We now refer to it as the White House. The British invaded Washington DC and burned the Presidential Mansion. Because of the scorch marks, they had to white wash the stone, giving rise to the name it has today. |}

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15y ago
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15y ago

The President's House (After it was burned down, it was renamed the White House) 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, D.C. The reason it is the 'White House' is that the stone work had to be painted white to cover the burn damage. It is actually a myth that the White House was named the white house because of the painting done to the burn damage. The building was always painted white, and wasn't known as the white house until the late 19th, early 20th century. The government buildings in York (now Toronto), the then capital of Upper Canada, were also burned down by the Americans in April, 1813, a year before the attack on Washington.

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16y ago

The Library of Congress and the White House.

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14y ago

York (Colonial Capitol of British North America) Washington D.C. (Capitol of the USA)
U.S. Capital, Washington D.C.

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12y ago

The canadians burned the American capitol.

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Washington DC was ransacked and burned to the ground including the white house.

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the white house.

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Q: What American city was burnt during the war of 1812?
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