

Which airplane fought in world war 1?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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11y ago

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Dozens of different aircraft were developed and used in WW1. There wasn't a single airplane type.

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Q: Which airplane fought in world war 1?
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Where was the war fought in World War 1?

== ==

Who was the world war fought against?

World War 1 was fought against primarily Germany.

When as World War 1 really fought?

The War was fought from 1914 to 1918.

How did the airplane effect World War 1?

The flamethrower is a type of weapon where the operator shoots burning fuel. Its effect on World War I and the soldiers who fought in it was mostly psychological; the injuries and deaths it inflicted were particularly gruesome.

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Germany fought the us in world war 1

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world war one fought from the years of 1914-1918

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world war 1

What war was fought and lost by the Germans?

World War 1 and World War 2

Which countries fought against Germany in World War 1 but on Germany's side in World War 2?

Japan emerged as a world power, but Germany was weak and humiliated

What did Germany do to keep the US from breaking off diplomatic relation?

They fought for their rights in World War 1.

Should World War 1 be a World War?

Yes, it was fought on all continents of the world.