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Q: Which amendment banned slavery
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When was slavery banned by a constitution?

Slavery was banned by the Constitution in 1865 by the Thirteenth Amendment.

Name the amendments that banned slavery?

The amendment to the U.S. Constitution banning slavery was the 13th Amendment.

Which continental amendment banned slavery?

the 13th

What year was slavery banned by a constitutional amendment?


What amendment did Congress pass in 1865 and what did the amendment do?

The amendment that Congress passed in 1865 was the Thirteenth amendment and it banned slavery in the United States.

What Year north banned slavery?

North America banned slavery in 1865 with the passing of the 13th Amendment to the United States Constitution.

Which amendment banned slavery in the US?

A LONG time ago, buddy.

Why do you care about the thirteenth amendment?

It helped, because from the point on it was ratified, slavery was banned in the United States.

Who banned slavery?

Various countries have banned slavery at different times. Some notable examples include the United Kingdom in 1833, the United States with the 13th Amendment in 1865, and Brazil in 1888. However, despite these legal bans, forms of modern slavery still exist around the world.

What are civil rights amendment?

There are three. 13th Amendment - banned slavery/involuntary servitude 14th Amendment - all citizens have equal protection under the law 15th Amendment - male African Americans are given the right to vote

What was the keypoint of the 13th amendment?

The thirteenth amendment abolished slavery.

What is the percentage of people that say slavery should be banned?

.....slavery IS banned......