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It started in Makkah in Saudi Arabia


AnswerIslam in its general sense as submission to God started by start of universe creation.

However, Islam per Quran God revelation to prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) through the angel Gabriel (or Jibril) started in year 610 AD in Makkah (or Mecca) in Saudi Arabia. Refer to question below.

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The nowadays called: The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA).

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Q: In which country did islam start?
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Islam began by start of universe creation. Islam religion started by start of universe creation. Islam in its universal meaning as submission to God was started by God; the Creator; by start of universe creation. Refer to question below for more details. However, Islam per Quran God revelation to prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) started by God in Makkah (or Mecca) in the country currently known as the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

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Islam did start in the so-called "Saudia-Arabia";

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Islam was originated by start of universe creation. How, Islam per Quran revelation by God to prophet Muhammad originated in Mecca (or Makkah) and Medina (or AlMadinah); both in the country of Saudi Arabia. Refer to question below for details.

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... Islam is a religion, not a country.

What city country and region did the religion Islam start in?

Makka (Mecca) city of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, in Arabian peninsula., in 610AD.

The arrival of the Islam?

Islam came out to the world at the start of Creation

Which country has what Islam?

There is only one type of Islam which is Islam. Islam has one god, Allah S.W.T. The capital of Islam is in Makkah where the Kaaba is located, the most sacred site in Islam. Every country has at least one Muslim. Therefore, Islam is everywhere. I hope my answer is to your liking.

Where is Islam start?

Islam started by start of universe creation. refer to question below for more details.