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The aardwolf (Proteles cristatus) is a small, insectivorous hyena-like mammal, native to Eastern and Southern Africa. The name means "earth wolf" in Afrikaans/Dutch. It is also called "maanhaar-jackal" and "protelid". Unlike other hyenas, the diet of the aardwolf almost completely consists of termites, other insect larvae and carrion. The aardwolf is the only surviving species of the subfamily Protelinae. Two geographically separate subspecies are recognized: Proteles cristatus cristatus of Southern Africa, and Proteles cristatus septentrionalis of eastern and northeastern Africa. It is usually placed in the Hyaenidae, though formerly separated into a monotypic family, Protelidae. The aardwolf lives in the scrublands of eastern and southern Africa. These are the areas of land covered with stunted trees or shrubs. The aardwolf hides in a burrow during the day and comes out at night to search for food. It is related to hyenas, but unlike its relatives, it does not hunt large prey . This unusual animal is a mass killer-of insects. It feeds mainly on termites and can eat more than 200,000 in a single night, using its long, sticky tongue to collect them

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The second animal listed in the Oxford English Dictionary is "aardvark."

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What is the first animal listed in the Oxford English Dictionary?

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Which is the first animal listed in the Oxford English Dictionary?

The first animal listed in the Oxford English Dictionary is "Aardvark," which is a nocturnal mammal native to Africa known for its long snout and sticky tongue used for feeding on ants and termites.

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The first animal listed in the dictionary is the aardvark, followed by the aardwolf.

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Mice? Or Mouses?Really, the answer is either. Both forms are used among professionals and the general public, and both forms are listed in the Oxford English Dictionary and the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, so use whichever one you prefer.

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Unfortunately it's not listed in my Collins English Dictionary.

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Get an English language learning dictionary, most of them will be listed there.

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